Pre-Dev-Update Thread! Yay! :D

Vaults got a big update.


Yeah but what does all this mean and when do we get our vaults?

I don’t know. The devs were talking about some bugs a few days ago. This shows that it’s fixed as far as I understand. They removed 3 persona’s for it and call it a major refactoring.

kirkins: They said we would get vaults but all I got is a screenshot of a git update

Popolrene I think you were just referenced on the poloniex trollbox! haha


Noooo!! Hahaha. That’s really bizar.


Blimey! Church bells are ringing everywhere and beacons being lit across the UK… I think the Pre Dev Update fuss is getting a bit out of hand :slight_smile:


Can you blame us???



Messaging and Safecoin on Tuesday or what?


Yes, and a non documented feature of Safe Network will transfer them all to my wallet before the end of the day. :smirk:


Messaging yes.

Safecoin, helllllll no. Not remotely possible. That’s going to be a whole ordeal in itself with development.

You think the bugs of this past week were bad? Wait until the Safecoin dev sprint starts.

Of course I say that with love :heart: (and honestly a little bit of hope :sweat:)


I was only having a laugh. … I’d be happy with another go at vaults! :slight_smile:
I doubt we will see messaging until after MVP is running at full swing.


A man can dream damnit! :rocket:


I think on average a new “Public Test Net” every Tuesday would be stellar; but it could happen more quickly. Example: given that there was one on Thursday, and there might be one on Monday, this could indicate that there could potentially be one every 4 days.

Sounds maybe viable? 3 days might be too fast.

All that said, maybe even it’ll be further different: I.e. the unwritten rule could turn out to be, “Once they shut off Current Test Net, it’ll be 1-7 days before the next one. It depends on the severity of new additions.”

Just putting thoughts to e-paper.

For features, there’s been work on messaging already, quite a lot of it.

But there’s soo much more importance for “Vaults and the MVP” (more like Foundationally Laden Product) to work, before adding features.

I could say it’ll be a breeze to add every feature on top of the FLP. … But new code is new code, and there could be more refactoring while integrating these new features. So probably not super few months before Beta (i.e. All Features), but maybe not too many months, either.

I feel like an admin typing like this. Disclaimer: I ain’t!! But maybe close to sounding sound!? R. Engineering.
After all no one’s really right in the end and it’s done when it’s done ;).

Shouts to what the developers actually are planning, of course! I bought Talisker just in case!
Know that once Safecoin is out, and proven, it’s all over…


I can’t really understand why messaging wouldn’t be part of the core MVP as it’s nessesary to transmit files between users and build a community. Safecoin I can sort of understand, technically one wouldn’t need to manage resources right out the gate with a significantly small userbase but exchanging files privately and communication I think is a must. Otherwise what’s the point of having encryption in the first place?

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Big refactor, ready to be pulled :thumbsup:.

Link 1
Link 2


The technical challenge of adding Safecoin will be tremendous.

The messaging part I agree with, I’m not sure why the call was made to leave everything unencrypted for now/up until now. Really seems counter-intuitive. And god knows what files new users are test-uploading. David talks about government interception yet the whole network is sending huge amounts of traffic around in plaintext.


I’d imagine government interceptors are already drowning in the kind of data that’s currently being sent around on testsafenet? I thought the team had been pretty clear that is was not encrypted yet, no? I’ve seen it mentioned several times and I’m pretty sure it was highlighted in the demo instructions or something too. I’d be surprised to hear anyone is using it for anything subversive yet. It’s a pretty small and close knit community for now and I think almost everyone using it is aware.

Maybe I’m being unfair, maybe it wasn’t clear enough, but I feel like it was because I saw it a few times and we are all victims of our own perspectives, so I can’t help but jump to defence here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: They must have had their reasons, I’m sure they would have encrypted if it had made more sense to do so.

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Isn’t the plaintext what makes it possible to see what is going on empirically, before sealing the envelope?


Routing updated.


what is unencrypted, at what level ? Can you point to some source for this ?
I see some clear text between the clients and launcher ( in the headers and response codes mainly ), and the nodes IPs are clear in the open file, as lsof | grep vaul shows. Other than that , I thought that what leaves the launcher into the wild open web was encrypted.