Pre-Dev-Update Thread! Yay! :D

I think I read that all the binaries work was mostly done with previous releases (the test nets). So I guess even those will be short short work once Vaults are fully checked out. Awesome if true!!!


Wow that was extremely powerful. Really shows the amazing power of SAFE in a very efficient 3min.

That would be a great marketing video.

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lol Tbh I definitely have a bad feeling about that and think maybe went wrong and they won’t be avail Tues.

Just a feeling. It’s been too quiet round here

It’s OK tho…


If you think we are getting MVP on Tuesday - Like this. :smiley:


If you think we will not get MVP this Tuesday - Like this. :cry:


Disclaimer: my above “like” was the least liked like I ever liked.


I know a dev (I won’t mention his name :yum:) who is quite optimistic and who worked in his repo today ;-).


He mentioned elsewhere they are 3 days behind also.

It’s been quiet before, and then suddenly amazing amazing news.

Even if it’s not available Tuesday (no reason to think that it absolutely can’t be), perhaps there will just be even more excitement for Wednesday or Thursday (or Friday)!!


Most weekends and especially Sundays we don’t see that much new users either. Most of the times we see peaks in new users on Wednesdays.

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noooooo that can’t be :frowning: that won’t be … I HOPE FOR THE BEST!!! :smiley:

At this point it doesn’t matter what the devs say, it’s all been said before and I’m happy to continue waiting purely because I know their work ethic is unparalleled.

David mentioned:

I think we’ll see a tuesday-night post, saying either “here it is” or “it’ll be here tomorrow”.

Either way I hope they use the MVP as leverage to entice investors, maybe they’ll grow the team at that point and we’ll see messaging/testsafecoin in 8-10 weeks.


And then we’ll be able to start trialing PtP! :smiley:


This is a very good question, can someone help here?

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hmmm - i remember a post somewhere saying “in alpha” … so … not with vaults but later when the network is considered “stable” i think … somewhere in this forum should be an official statement … would have to search for it myself too Oo …

It depends on what road the devs take. Maybe they launch with Vaults in the coming days and make an update after 2 weeks asking people not to use the old network any longer. Maybe they build in a timer which allows the binaries to run for max 1 month. Nobody knows. But there will be a moment when things work well and the network won’t get any resets anymore.


That’s got me thinking, too. Beta (safecoin, et al) should be the one that is permanent. But if a couple people can shut down the whole network, it’s not really Safe now is it? So I’d guess it could be @anon40790172’s multiple suggestions. Or even the release of Vaults - without any of Polpolrene’s suggestions. I.e. the release of Vaults could be permanent itself, without any strings [of code!] attached to obsolete it; but then people abandon that one, because the devs just code a new SAFE that’s better. They’re the devs, after all; people will follow what they do until the end of even beta testing (and, ultimately, onto “1.0” or whatever you want to call that).

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On release of MVP (please, very very soon) we will have to ask folks to switch off and update etc. Initial tests should mean we do this several times through safecoin and network upgrades.

Long night working on the vaults tonight but we will get there soon. The last 80% for sure is harder than the first 80% as they say :wink:


How exactly do you upgrade the network when the vaults are released? And will it take long to go from vaults to implimenting mesaging and safecoin as well?

  1. Bit at a time, release an ability and next upgrade use that ability

  2. It should be relatively easy to get messaging, the code is in a branch but will need reviewed and updated

  3. Safecoin is several parts, network balance is a small part, then farming rate is again small, farming attempt next which is larger, then the client parts, wallets and multisig etc. with messaging