It will be ready when its ready. Not one day before. And it will evolve gently into a beta. Small steady increases in functionality, performance and resilience with occasional breakthroughs until eventually we can generally agree – “This is a beta” .
Actually, for a few updates I have had more difficulties to see what is the distance to a “beta”. They used to talk more about their roadmap and each achieved steps than they do now.
Time to pore over and try to work out what is significant, what is interesting prep work and what to acknowledge is worthy, essential documentation changes, sorting of typos, aligning version numbers etc but not earth-shattering news just yet.
Whatever category your contribution fell into this week, it all moves the project onwards- thank you to ALL the devs (and admin person) and I look forward to hearing whats new later today.
Looks like the CRDT Sequenced Data Type comes with a lot of functionality! Apparently you can set private or public permissions, get range requests, append to it, delete it, check or change ownership. Am I right here?!
Seems almost more like a general data type (besides Immutable data) whereas Mdata and AppendOnly seem almost like specialty data types. I can see it being useful to the data manifests that have been being teased. I have a hunch that Sequenced data maybe replaces Mutable data but that is an ill informed hunch. Hoping to hear more about it in the next update!
Well I saw vaults from home mentioned in the last update so if that gets done there will only be farming left on the to do list. What’s after Fleming left before beta and launch?
Only my opinion, but vaults from home is entirely different code to sections code, so I do not agree with you there at all.
Yes vaults from home will maybe need tweaking but it’s still a huge step.
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