Pre-Dev-Update Thread! Yay! :D

Agreed - think I may have inadvertently fed him here. Lesson learned


Just flag him for moderator review. If enough of us do that his post is automatically hidden.
Let him keep his personality issues to himself, his negativity must be impacting his health at this time. why let him spread his uselessness here?

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give me url please ?

ignore him, don’t feed the troll PLEASE.

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Do NOT reply to the troll.

He is not interested in the slightest in your answer, so dont waste your precious time

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Which issue among those page2 issues indicates node aging is not complete? and what part of code seems not complete?

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You will not get a coherent answer. His only purpose is to distract you, waste everyones time and sow dissension.

PLEASE just ignore him.


Don’t feed the troll then, thanks.


Dont answer him. Hes just wanting to waste your time


Do you know how many times they’ve randomly stopped updating documents, websites, marketing material, etc. over the 10+ years this projects been around?

Hugs man! I think you need a lot of them!

Do you even think before criticising?

Is it Thursday yet.

Mods delete this post when you deal with the obvious troll post of his


So what’s the big deal. That’s why it’s called MVP

I’m a programmer myself, But since I’m not involved in this project so far, I cannot judge whether node aging is done or not, but at least you cannot say node aging is not finished yet with just ‘issues’. For example, there are plenty of issues in bitcoin/EOS/ tendermint even Linux. some are even rooted to core algorithm problem. (consensus, kernel) But it doens’t mean its not reliable enough to be used on real world.


Now you are trolling. You said why not in update and yet there has not been an update to mention it in. That is why this topic is called “PRE-DEV-UPDATE”

Stop trolling please


There’s a poll for this sort of thing - vote now :slight_smile:
Forum level 1 and above only


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 4 hours.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Apart from negativity from the usual suspect, of course…

A steady stream of updates in github as usual today :slight_smile:


Hopefully the vaccination of the attention seeking troll virus.


But like most anti-vaxers once the problem is at the door step they are the first to swap sides and claim their vaccine shot. And similarly once its launched they will say they were the biggest supporters