Pre-Dev-Update Thread! Yay! :D

Sorry, I meant Kanban boards, not charts. Specifically this active gem here: BLS · GitHub


Thanks. Guess I already had that. It is super handy to track progress. :slight_smile:


I like looking at this:

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I follow a ton in that also, but also like the complete overview the other offers.

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is maidsafe dead? bls node aging vault 2 all stalled, no predicted deadlines, can be months? or never?

Of course not. A particular github repository is a terrible way to judge. Maybe reading the dev updates in #development:updates will give you a much much better indication of where the project is at.


There have been loads of commits recently, including a version bump for Vaults to 0.2.0.


thanks for replying, I think github is the best source of information on the current state of work. The pace seems to be an unknown same as the remaining work to be done. PS: What makes you believe that this project will dethrone ETH for example?
They have hundreds of more active devs , is there anything Maid have in terms of tech that no other crypto project do?

MaidSafe · GitHub will show commit levels across all repo’s. Of course does not include debugging, which near launch will be a big part of work. In any case not dead, busy, yes, dead no.

That is like sayng why will intel dethrone seagate. They are not the same thing or in the same area. Eth is the worldwide slow computer for smart contracts, SAFE is an attempt to create the new Internet


MaidSafe has a completely different design approach than most other projects out there in the sense that they dont use any type of blockchain at all. Therefore the SafeNetwork won’t have any of the limitations that come along with blockchains. Instead they have developed a novel consensus protocol called PARSEC. You can read more about it here:


Haha, that’s me trying to make sure all the kinks are out of the auto updater. I found some bugs blocking the update on mac and windows which, thanks to that wee alpha-build-spree, are now sorted.

Apologies if that polluted your inbox!


happy that the project is still alive and busy is a good thing as long as there is progress, I heard from some friends who told me about this project - they did warn me that fleming might never arrive. And now looking into github and the latest few updates- Im confused, how much is left actually.

2 tasks in routing and several smallish tasks in vaults to go.


projects or tasks , if tasks that doesnt sound too bad, looking into issues in github says there are still many issues to be soled though.

tasks, check the node age project :wink: … many folk like your friend will just say oh, may never happen, or similar, that’s easy to state. The truth takes more work to convey and doing so slows us down. So always a balance I hope to start improving the message in the dev updates from next week as I can see Fleming work left to do is not obvious. It’s been very hectic in the last few weeks.


It is unlikely we will never have issues, all projects will have issues to address as they move on. Critical issues will be tagged Fleming or put in a project.


tasks, check the node age project :wink:

There are not 1 but 2 left ; 1.Consumer to action - Take new node and 2. Node Join

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That’s correct :wink:


It is obvious if you read all weekly updates and comments. Outside of this forum checking roadmap or GitHub only it might be confusion when some tasks takes month or more with no significiant change.