The pay once store forever* concept is perhaps one of the easiest parts of Autonomi to get right.
- * in practical terms and not some magical forever, but more a phrase most people understand to be until something better comes along or some event to destroy things
Its the concept of paying upfront for future costs.
The actual cost of storage is a reducing series like the frog thought experiment of a frog of no size that jumps half the distance each time, how far will the frog end up at infinity?
So answer to yourself how far does this no size frog jump? Will it be infinity distance? or is it mathematically proven to be so close to twice the distance of the first hop.
As pointed out @Traktion this financial concept is built into a lot of things.
Now it is proven (by experience & known advancements to come) that for the foreseeable future barring war, global destruction, and such extreme things, the price of storage is dropping each and every year/cycle of replacing storage. And like the frog thought experiment this ends up being a reducing series with a limit it approaches. So if one charges up front more than that limit the cost to store today’s data forever* then that cost is covered. Upto about 3 years ago it was around 10 times every 5 years with ups and downs. SSD in last 3 years has dropped to a 1/3.
In this explanation there is no need to say what the current price is since you only have to pay the amount needed to cover future costs. For the magnetic disk series of 10 time every 5 years the raw cost is 1.1111111 times the current cost. The cost to run the drive is the same if you keep the old data or discard it in 5 years. But its like dollars a year
Now Lets come to Autonomi. The beauty here is the network is purposed to run on spare resources and to consider new devices and data centres is not part of Autonomi’s working SOE, so I will not, any analysis is above.
For Autonomi using spare resources the costs can only be talked of in terms of incremental costs and not raw costs. Anyone changing from spare resource use (same h/w, same hours they normally use) and going above that will have reduced earnings vs costs.
- computer CPU
- spare resources means a cpu usage they do not notice or doesn’t affect their normal use
- At those levels the extra power is really unmeasurable and < 1watt.
- Obviously higher power CPUs being run at high rates for nodes is not spare resources but still only in terms of a few watts.
- RAM - no changes
- Disk - spare resources.
- there is no extra power required for data at rest
- extra power for read/write of chunks is less than caching
- Talking of milli watts for most Magnetic drives and less for SSDs
- Talking of maybe 0.1 watts x 20mS every few seconds if active for rotating drive
- Remember its incremental increase
- disk (rotating & SSD) replacements is also spare resources so its whatever the user is doing for their machine and nothing extra for Autonomi - zero costs
- Internet - spare resources so that is keeping under any quotas and thus no extra cost.
For incremental cost we have less than a watt for most consumer grade PCs, less for laptops and even less for tablets. For big powerful PCs we might have a few watts because they want to push limits of spare resources.
At 5 watts for 24/7 its 0.12 KWHr per day and 43 KWHr per year. For the absolute worse case and consumer grade PC it is 1/5th of that or less if laptop/tablet
- 43 KWHr is like 16 AUD and we have high electricity prices.
There are the rough figures of the costs to run Autonomi the way its meant and designed to run
But as an aside, I have a Odyssey, a slightly more expensive SBC computer but much better than RPi. It uses 5-7 Watts MAX, can run 50 nodes. So electricity costs is around 16-25 AUD Raw Total price per year. So all it needs to earn is 32 to 50 tokens a year at the current price. And I use it for other tasks in my network. You can look at it as me running it for free and eventually even paying for its upfront costs and SSD replacements OR I pay the costs and I earn the tokens for free. Take your pick.
When you do this work for a living for so long and doing quotes blah blah you learn a few things. I just want someone to pay me to put lasers on shark heads. Damn it I want sharks with lasers
And please I don’t want to have to repeat this exercise yet again because someone wants to play a game and say prove it. Not you Taylor, but if someone disagrees with this then make sure you are using the spare resource model Autonomi is designed for and make sure you actually do the research and not take a graph of rotating media thats dying off and claim see it doesn’t work. Yes I am pissed off at ignorance demanding proof over and over again. And be assued Taylor it is not directed at you.