Officially, Safe Exchange - Crowdsale

Safe Exchange Coin crowd-sale is now officially closed. The final price will be tallied and presented soon.

Supreme thanks to all who participated in this sale.

Raised totals:
69.930372 BTC
1,365,350 MAID
171 transactions

Still 3 pending confirmation MaidSafeCoin transactions


damn… I would invested but I am afk. No way for me to fly back home, and get the money. lol

Oh well, I guess I’ll manage.


@anon81773980 you’ll be able to get some from the exchanges after distribution if someone would sell. Likely they’ll be on and on other exchanges in the near future.


I will sell some to you @anon81773980 no problem. @dallyshalla just gave us another real world example of what amazing power tokens/coins can bring to a crowdsale. Typically with Crowd Funding, I send my money to the person making what I want and wait for the product…boring. If I get pissed and want a refund (Which puts undo stress on the creator) or the project ends up not being what I need (Which puts undo stress on me the crowd fund participator) then we run the risk of the crowd fund project/item failing and no one gets anything really.

With token/coin based crowd funding the tokens themselves will have an exchangeable value and also @dallyshalla can directly give value back to me (whoever has an SEC) through the token system features. In SafeX the SEC will have many functions that immediately give my investment more value. So with this evolutionary step there is no longer a closed boring system of giving away my money and hoping I get what was promised. I get to trade those beautiful SEC’s with my favourite forum friends :wink: and also use them when SafeX goes live.

Listening to Adam Levine’s LTB podcast this evening on his tokenly business reminded me how amazing this use of crypto-currencies are for me. Had to give credit where credit is due.


The link to the google doc with the results of the crowd-sale.

Safe Exchange Coin Crowd-sale Results

Sharing the final calculations of the Safe Exchange Coin crowd-sale. On the left is the averaging count, and on the right is the distribution amount to each address. Many thanks to @neo for helping cross check my results by independently conducting the same calculations and checking my work and Also many thanks to others who helped make the sale happen.

The project managed to pull in $50,579.06 giving each coin a price of
$0.00002355131 for each Safe Exchange Coin where $1.00 would have bought ~42,461 SEC
About 0.002% of the sale. :wink: – that would put it at 165th place on (yet to submit the coin there)

The sale has been a perfect success, since it has surpassed my goal, and it is enabling my being behind the editor to complete the exchange software with undivided attention.

I hope that this sale sets a precedent for individual developers and groups of developers who may seek similar support in their endeavors on the safe network.

The Safe Exchange raised a final count:
69.931372 Btc
1,413,273 Maid

An honor, and a responsibility I’ve planned to carry to delivery.


Congratulations Daniel :slightly_smiling:

Very well handled I must say, and well deserved in my opinion. Good luck and please keep this forum posted with updates - maybe set up a SafeX Updates topic just for such, with minimal discussion. I think that’s gonna to be a good way for the community following multiple projects if, as we hope, others follow.


SafeX is a momentous step forward these are the greatest days to be living in the ERA of the CREATIVE is RISING


wd dude, wish i’d seen the post and contributed, but I guess I’ll just have to buy some on polo :frowning:

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Coins are coming out, almost done should be there before Feb 5th in fact. Got the permanent workstation set up… time to make magic. (as in write codes ;))


It looks like I got crowd sale tokens for my bitcoin donations and the MAID donations is still pending.

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I’ll trade some with you @Jabba for either btc/MAID. Just PM me. I’ll do $0.0000235515 per Safe exchange Coin


Wow, that would be really fantastic MrAnderson! Thank you, that seems like a very generous price at only a fraction over what you bought it for.

Many thanks dude, I’ll certainly take you up on it… I can pay in btc or maid, whichever is best for you. Ideally I’d like 1-2 btc’s worth, but obviously I’ll take less if that’s all you can spare =).

Have PM’d you to arrange

muchos gracias again



Good job, @dallyshalla. It’s nice to see all those SEC turn up in my Omniwallet. Very cool.

Now get coding and let the magic begin!


hey Daniel are u getting any of my messages?

been a few days, everything ok? U moved yet?

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Normally I don’t use phones since they randomly divert attention, and radiation from the phones is dangerous. ALL GOOD going back to basics (don’t forget save on your bills using the free alternatives to communication ;))

Slack is the better place to communicate for me anyway. or

btw More than 50% done with distribution.


Slack is better, but you will lost community that forums build.
You can look Storj or NXT, looks death, but it is not truth.

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@escalicha, @whiteoutmashups was referring to cellphone messages, not the forum or slack;

Definitely still here actively on the forum and for direct day to day communication, slack is excellent and also PMs on this forum are great too.

People will move himself to slack because people is lazy, it’s and advice now because its early.
When Slack rise enough, you wont will have content on word wide web and everything will be on slack, where google don’t have content index.

Safe Exchange will lose positions, content and organitc trafic on Google, too much to lose for and early project.


That’s an excellent point. private messages aren’t on google either but collaborative communication would benefit from a forum.

So cell phones lessen content as much as slack does… and slack also deltes messages past 10,000 which is a pita when trying to check something from 3 months ago

glad to hear your perspective @Escalicha

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Just a final notice here, The SafeExchangeCoins have all been distributed except for two transactions I could not decipher correctly who sent these coins: So it’s 99.98% distributed save these two transactions:

If that’s you please PM me with proof,

Huge thanks again to all those who contributed their support, hope I got you back here. And huge luck to all future projects on the Safe Network.