NRS Pre-Registration and Sale

So can a name registeration be transferred?

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Transfer the account they were created in, is the easy solution.

Iā€™ve commented on this topic at length two times prior.

The only decent SAFE solution is to publicly reserve all single words in the dictionaries of all online languages in addition to the other common domains already used like ā€˜orgā€™ and ā€˜govā€™ or country codes and publicly traded corporations. The private keys get published as the sites ā€˜version 0ā€™. It becomes a public commons where groups can battle over what is published there, analogous to a wikipedia page with no censorship/lockdown. The actual version of the site that is viewed by default in the SAFE browser doesnā€™t necessarily need to be the most recent, but instead the version with the most ā€˜likesā€™ or ā€˜upvotesā€™. This serves as a constant stream of PUT income for the network. It would be an interesting social experiment to see what evolves. Posting the private key publicly is essentially a form of public burning that is readily proven. This is the most fair method that maintains a common de facto NRS standard.

tldr; broken recordā€¦
Because of the safe:// structure of the NRS, anyone is free to call their service as common dictionary words. Their public name would only need to be unique.

For example ā€˜safe://awesome.happybeingā€™ or ā€˜safe://great.traktionā€™ would be fine to claim, but ā€˜safe://being.happyā€™ or ā€˜safe://happy.beingā€™ or ā€˜safe://happyā€™ would not because the pubIDs are single dictionary words.

Yup, this is the crux of it. The primary purpose of the NRS isnā€™t findability, itā€™s communicability.

In other words, being able to put a unique, yet human readable and orally reproducible wrapper around a XOR address.

And remember, we have other tools in the chest for findability such as linked data. No reason that canā€™t be deployed alongside NRS to solve the that issue, even right in the address bar.

As a wee example, think of the combination of unique Handle, plus your free choice of Name you have on twitter and how that works.

I can have primary results returned by the free name along with other profile elements if neededā€”and then narrowed by a socially derived priorityā€”and finally uniquely selected/addressed with the NRS address.

I might never really need to deal with the NRS part of things often, so if all I can get is @JimCollinson38826 for my SafeID itā€™s not really a big deal.

This is the starting point for our way of thinking about SafeIDs BTW, and could quite rightly be extended to any site/address.


This is not suitable. The person selling the account can access the account and has the private keys to all in the account at the time of sale


I was going to answer the same thing. We must also remember that every public site, including any name, must comply with the rules of the perpetual web where history cannot be altered.

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It seems there needs to be another layer of abstraction.

If I can, then I will ā€¦ and you should thank me - as if I do it, Iā€™ll plow profits back into the network - another entity might just do it for pure profit and take the money out/away from the network.

If true that names are permanently stuck to an account, then there is another problem Iā€™ve just thought of as well ā€“ a malicious actor (say a rival corporation) could buy up names of competitors and then make the keys to the account public - effectively neutering the use of the name forever.

Further, If you were a government and wanted to seriously hamper the network, you do the same with a dictionary and large amount of cash. Effectively trashing the defacto NRS.

Easy do not suggest people ever do it.

The other is to allow the AD to have its ownership transferred which is promised. And simply transfer ownership of the AD which holds the registration info

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Itā€™s a difficult subject with no ideal solution Iā€™m afraid. What I would like to see is an expiry date on the NRS name. A year, or even a month.
Then there will be an automatic auction provided by the network. The paid Safecoins return to the network.
Only the real owner is prepared to put effort in it for getting the name each time, and is prepared to pay for it. Squatting is useless now.
Maybe the current owner can have a discount of 50% on the auction price so he has an advantage for getting it back.

The reason I would prefer this, is because I really donā€™t like the idea that someone owns safe:\news and then he diesā€¦
I donā€™t think itā€™s good marketing that the SAFE Network is one big graveyard of old websites.


The network isnā€™t aware of time as we think of it - it sees time through events. So I donā€™t know how that would work.


Given how attached many are to having domain names, I think the only practical solution is to have multiple NRS pluginā€™s and/or I2P-style lists ā€¦ then we effectively have as many copies of the names as we want and the network is kinda partitioned via the plugin you use.

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One could see that as a feature. Digital archeologyā€”a permanent record of cyber history.


Since everyone seems to agree that a well done petname system or the continuous auction system suggested by @Seneca a long time ago are not paths that look more attractive than this graveyard/squatting mess Oo

We could have a ā€˜sidechainā€™ to safe - simply not having the naming system baked into the core and the data types on safe but have the name service managed through a blockchain (==public registrar) with precisely the properties that people want the names to have (expiration/prices)


Then we use something else. Visits, votes, some other info we DO have. There must be something we can use to determine some cycle


Actually for 1 year expirstional names a blockchain would be not a bad solution at all Ooā€¦

ā€¦ You could throw away blocks that are older than 1 year and I heard that blockchains are not the worst solution if you try to utilize them as public ledger :thinking:

ā€¦ Would just be nice if one could use data from safe to secure the chain instead of having to use powā€¦

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Jim, is NRS part of the core code or is it going to be a plugin? It seems like someone said it was ā€˜likeā€™ a plugin? But donā€™t know what that means. I can imagine that anyone could make a browser plugin to do something akin to NRS, but if Maidsafeā€™s NRS is in the core, then it seems like itā€™s defacto nature will give it unstoppable dominance over NRS as a whole.

Perhaps a user installed NRS plugin could overthrow the in-built NRS on a site-by-site basis much like the ā€œimportantā€ flag in CSS. Thus malicious domains captured by attackers could be neutralized through the users choice in NRS plugin ā€¦ Iā€™m rambling here, but maybe you get the idea.

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A really bad feature. We got history behind that history button, thatā€™s ok. But the current owner should be someone alive


Name registration does work as follows:

You want to visit safe://neo

The information where to look for the index and everything lies within the append only data with xor address hash(ā€˜neoā€™)

So if you own the appendOnly data with that address you own the domain and you can transfer it
(and the network cannot know how many characters the domain has or what its name is)

(feel free to correct me if Iā€™m wrong because things changed by now)

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Iā€™ll let someone (nudge @bochaco) give a more accurate description of the code, but yeah, AFAIK there is no reason someone couldnā€™t build a rival NRS and allow users to switch between them.

How usable that will be is another question though. As youā€™d need to explain to a potential visitor what NRS to use before they access the site. Could get funky.


And the reason why selling the account is not good is that the seller will always be able to control the account and NRS name (they are not domains in this system)

And why I said later that it will require being able to change ownership of the ā€œADā€ in order to sell names