NRS Pre-Registration and Sale

I’ve commented on this topic at length two times prior.

The only decent SAFE solution is to publicly reserve all single words in the dictionaries of all online languages in addition to the other common domains already used like ‘org’ and ‘gov’ or country codes and publicly traded corporations. The private keys get published as the sites ‘version 0’. It becomes a public commons where groups can battle over what is published there, analogous to a wikipedia page with no censorship/lockdown. The actual version of the site that is viewed by default in the SAFE browser doesn’t necessarily need to be the most recent, but instead the version with the most ‘likes’ or ‘upvotes’. This serves as a constant stream of PUT income for the network. It would be an interesting social experiment to see what evolves. Posting the private key publicly is essentially a form of public burning that is readily proven. This is the most fair method that maintains a common de facto NRS standard.

tldr; broken record…
Because of the safe:// structure of the NRS, anyone is free to call their service as common dictionary words. Their public name would only need to be unique.

For example ‘safe://awesome.happybeing’ or ‘safe://great.traktion’ would be fine to claim, but ‘safe://being.happy’ or ‘safe://happy.being’ or ‘safe://happy’ would not because the pubIDs are single dictionary words.