I have some comments on how we describe the network on our website. I am not an network expert, nor a programmer and therefore sure the average crypto investor does not understand the concept of an “autonomous and decentralized network” with “federated servers” or “identifiable nodes”, to just name a few.
While we pride ourselves in not having a blockchain, I think the average crypto investor doesn’t see this as a benefit, until they start reading about the Safe Network.
We should talk to the masses in more understandable terms and slogans like: “Taking back the internet”, “Internet 2.0 - 100% Private and Secure" etc. That is the language people understand.
I would propose to change the 5 points mentioned below “The World’s First Autonomous Data Network”, into:
- The Safe Network is autonomous and decentralized.
- The Safe Network is The New Internet. It does everything the internet does, but better, private and secure.
- Safecoin is not only the currency, but also The Ultimate Smart Contract.
- The Safe Network lets you build your websites and apps securely and privately.
- The Safe Network has no central point of weakness. It is unhackable.
- The Safe Network its cloudstorage grants the lowest possible price, always.
By clicking on the links of these 6 points, it should redirect to a part of the website that gives a more profound explanation of what each aspect is about.
I am sure there are people who can phrase these points better than I can, but I think this is a start to help create a better understanding of this incredible project.