IF Autonomi Network community considers a starter system ‘hand me down’ running MS Windows with 8GB of RAM and 256GB SATA SSD as the minimum high volume fringe safenode operator case, and is the type of ‘student’ hobbyist they want to attract to get network node count up really fast,
then imo the 64GB safenode size is likely way too large,
given having run this configuration, I have noticed as I progressively dropped node count from
first 10 nodes,
then to 8 nodes with the 2GB size and
now to 3 nodes, running this ‘32GB’ configuration,
That the statistical likelihood of this current 32GB configuration of 3 nodes consuming 105GB 42% of the systems formatted 246GB useable space earning any nanos drops dramatically,
my back of envelope calculation say there is a more than -400% likelihood such a small 3 node operator will earn enough nanos to allow them to spend those nanos on uploads.
Which means it really is not a viable use case configuration option at this point.
For me this is disappointing for Autonomi, because it means the project is straying from Maidsafe’s original promise to “use just any old system laying around to run a few nodes”.
Thoughts Anyone on whether the Community should support this type of ‘fringe’ operator use case?
Keep in mind, I must keep 20% of the 246GB formatted space free (49.2GB) so the flash will operate properly in peak concurrent process use, which for the “student” node operator would be running a Brave browser with 4-12 tabs open, maybe a game and email in the background, while the three safenodes are operating at their max too… worst case.