Hey everyone.
This solution is not official. I just want to get a survey of what you think?
NSL (Network Storage Limit) = Average amount of data stored by members.
NR (Network Reserve) = Users buy storage directly from the Network, using their safecoins. This amount increases their storage limit beyond the NSL amount.
Free Account = Instantly login to try the Network. Free storage = (NSL x 0.001)
There are 2 ways to increase your free amount to 100% NSL.
- Pay safecoin/X to speed up to 100% NSL.
- Gain farmer rank to get up to 100% NSL.
Before you comment, here is some Q&A.
Q: How much storage is the NSL?
A: If we have 10,000TB currently being stored and 1,000 users. The NSL is the average, which is 10TB.
Q: What happens if a user tries to exceed their NSL.
A: They will be prompted by the Network to purchase more storage space. They can also clean up their own storage to stay under the limit.
Q: Why do I have to pay safecoin to get 100% of NSL amount?
A1: We are considering different solutions in order to avoid this barrier. For now, this is the easiest, least complicated way of dealing with users/bots who make multiple accounts in order to take advantage of the NSL. The Network burns the safecoin, which makes it expensive to create multiple accounts. But it does not stop someone from doing it if they must create another login account for whatever reason. Also, you can just farm for safecoins. Or another user can “gift” you safecoins.
A2: We added another way to gain the NSL amount, using farmer rank. By being connected and providing resources, you gain ranks even if you aren’t able to farm safecoins due to low farm rate or coin cap.
Q: Can a farmer just sell their storage to another user?
A: Unfortunately, no. The POR token system is required to do this, which slows the network considerably. Storage sales can only be done between the Network and the buying user.
Q: How does the Network price storage when selling to users?
A: As the NR amount approaches zero, the safecoin cost will rise accordingly. As the NR amount increases, the safecoin cost will reduce, making it cheaper for others to buy storage if there is an excess available.
Q: What does the Network do with the safecoins it earns from selling storage?
A: It burns the safecoin, reducing the total circulation amount, thereby allowing farmers to re-farm it.
Q: Does this mean safecoin is equated to storage?
A: No. The safecoin cost to buy storage will adjust based on NR availability. So there is no 1:1 relationship. Also, this has an interesting benefit. People cannot buy cheap storage to hoard then resell it at more expensive prices. The most they can do is buy storage for themselves. This is like everyone being able to buy storage directly from the manufacturer. There is no reseller markup.
Q: If safecoin becomes very expensive in “national currency” terms, why would anyone buy storage?
A: They wouldn’t. More likely, they would become a farmer and earn safecoins. This has 2 benefits. As more farmers add storage to the Network, the NR amount increases. Then users can buy cheaper storage if they need it. The Network doesn’t really need safecoin to sustain itself, it just needs resources. But safecoin helps balance between supply and demand.
If you have a more efficient solution. You are more than welcome to post it here.
Edit: Redefined NSL to be the average data stored, not the average storage available.
Edit2: Added “Free Account”.