Are we also talking about the NR (Network Reserve) cost to buy storage?
Yes I believe so.
I figured we were but wasn’t sure.
We have 2 ways of increasing the NSL then.
Pay safecoin/X to speed it up 100% NSL
Gain Farmer Rank to get up to 100% NSL
Add the Free amount and we got a solid solution
We’re going to need a new video on how this stuff works.
I have just skimmed this thread so far so correct me if I’m wrong, but is the “paying to increse your storage limit” a one time payment? Since receiving safecoin for farming is a continuous thing, so should paying for storage be, right? (keeping your data stored is not a one-time cost)
The way I envision this from a user perspective is that you have a safecoin balance that steadily increases as you’re farming, but steadily decreases if you are storing above the free limit (or "NSL"or whatever that might be). This seems necessary for the economics of the network to work out but should also be fairly simple for the user to understand ("your balance is getting low - please provide more storage or fill up your account with more safecoin). Providing more storage is a “permament” solution that will stop your balance from decreasing. Adding safecoin to the account is a “temporary” solution that will have to be repeated later.
Interesting, I think both ways work, so paying is a permanent issue. So you pay Y safecoin for XgB and it’s for life. You will always use more anyway, so the payment is further required, we use safecoin to pay, but the network (meaning us for the time being) sets a resource price in safecoin, but safecoin value is not linked to the network, it is set only by the market.
I imagine ultimately though there will be many things to pay for on the network, i.e. a global payment made to keep satellites up in orbit, network wide calculations and experiments etc.
This thread has been really helpful and inspiring for sure.
That’s true. So the only difference is really that the one-time-payment model relies on the fact that demand for storage will always increase. I guess that’s close enough to a law of nature that it’s nothing to worry about.
I still have to catch up with the last part of this topic, but I’m trying currently to build a mathematical model for tying all aspects of this proposal together. If we take the value of the SAFE network seriously, we need to start building arguments why some proposals might work.
I’ll come out as soon as I have a functional base for a (first) model; anyone interested in working with me, please write to me
A huge help for sure.
No contribution other than: reading this was fun. Great to see things shaping up. Great stuff guys