Need information on basic tech of SAFE for a concept I am working on

Hello fellow futurists, technocrats and inhabitants of the republic of internet,

I am working on some diploma-project (supporting a decentralised economy), for which I have some basic questions:

1.) Is SAFE running on / using a virtual machine on the host system (and if so, where can I find more information about it)?
2.) how does SAFE evaluate the hardwares capacity for the PoR - and does it know about the whole spec of the host system (like GPU-power, CPU-power, RAM, bandwith, and so on)?
3.) is a computation layer planned as well?
4.) could real-time-data (f.e. sensor-data) transmitted as well over SAFE?

Thats all for now - I will surely have some more questions later =)

Thanks and all the best.


No, the vault is a program/service and writes chunks of encrypted stuff (data) to the local hard drive. The client access an API that the vault network provides.

That part is easier, if a node can keep up and perform then its good enough, so this takes into account everything, uptime cpu bandwidth etc.


Yes any type of data can be.


Hi David & thank you for your reply.

Regarding 3 - is there already any information on the concept of the computation layer available and on how you want to implement that one?
I was thinking about that a bit as well and came tot he conclusion that running it on some certified (decentral approved) LLVM+K-Framework environment would be able to provide an excellent Super-Computer-Experience with backward-compatibility and flexibility (I think computation should be able to run f.e. on FPGAs as well…).
Furthermore I expect that the performance of that VM could be easily approved by peers, and the user could control on how much performance/priority he would like to give SAFE-net on his machine…
…however that was just some guess.

Furthermore I was thinking about some decentralized-scheduling based on an focus-oriented economy as well - if I get it right - if SAFEnet achieves to create a full super-computer (with network, computation and storage), the scheduling will be based on priority, where whoever pays more has a higher priority (given that the resources are limited compared to the tasks)?
Is that right that way?

(If it is like that, I see there a little problem, since whales would be able to control the net / value of the tokens, and that way the network would loose it’s “free” character - who would like to provide performance, if he cannot be sure, that the coins he earns won’t be of any value next day…).

Thank you for the provided information and all the best.

Just a side note afaik zk snark was mentioned a couple of times in the context of decentralized computing

Maybe you will find searching for that keyword in the forum interesting ( Privacy-preserving distributed computing with side effects – is that even possible? )

Sorry only limited time and therfore only this short note… Hope I didn’t say something stupid :wink:

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