Continuing the discussion from Why are you excited about MaidSafe?:
[quote=“Al_Kafir, post:22, topic:859, full:true”]
Sorry, I was following dlasoffs post and it appears to be advertising for an app on safe network which would give users 99% of revenue back, 1% going to the app which is acting as a middleman between artists and consumers. (correct me if I am wrong). My question was about what distinguishes this from spam? If it is informative/useful/cheap/promotes safecoin or whatever is irrelevant to what I’m getting at.The web post was railing against middlemen, so I was also asking what was the distinguishing aspects. I’m asking:
A) Is this advertising/Spam or not?
B) If not, why not?
C) Are we Ok with advertising/Spam on the forum?
D.) Can we/should we distinguish and how?
E) At what point does information become spam?
F. What distinguishes dlasoff from a middleman? (in response to dlasoff)
Hope that helps, I’m not accusing anyone I’m just asking what I think are pertinent questions, given the whole reason for Maidsafes existence -sorry for being unclear.
My concern really, is that at some point in the future we become flooded with links to the best new app that provides a for- profit service when a non or low profit app would do same job but put more back into economy. The paid app would get more free advertising here at the other’s expense - just based on how good you are at PR. Is this a concern or not is the issue in a nutshell.[/quote]
Does the SAFE network offer some kind of content search/index/publishing platform by default and IF it does not will it be up to builders to build something along these lines like what @dllasoff’s and @we_advance propose with the Network99 idea? Each content provider could and should publish their own stuff but what about finding it? Will this not require some type of search app or index or something? Who builds this and how does/do the builder(s) get rewarded for doing so?
Am I totally misunderstanding these words on the Dev page of
By introducing the SAFE networks very own crypto currency, safecoin, developers now finally have an Open Source business model that works. By coding your safe wallet ID into your application(s), the network will automatically pay safecoins to you based on how much the application is utilised by end users. No longer will app developers need to morph themselves into support experts or advertising resellers, you can now focus on making great applications with a revenue stream already built in.
I’m not trying to argue with you @Al_Kafir. I’m looking for clarification myself. What do we as the community expect from developers (I’m one of these so I want to know what others think)? Do we expect them to work for nothing, build for no reward? Perhaps I’m totally missing what @dllasoff is saying but I don’t think I am. The Network 99 idea is not a for profit venture. It will only make the safecoin the network pays. 99% of that to the artist and 1% to the devs building/maintaining the software… Am I wrong?