MeetUp Glasgow 7th May Tuesday, 18:30

Brilliant to hear of all who can make it.

If anyone else fancies giving an informal 5 minutes on what they’re currently working on / something that particularly interests them about / drew them towards the SAFE network, do feel free to prepare something, though no pressure of course :slight_smile:


The Avalon are currently working on their kitchen, but have a pizza oven running. They’re offering pizza & salad for a fiver for anyone who needs food.

Looking forward to meeting everyone who can make it at 18:30 tomorrow.


I’ll be there. Look forward to meeting folk then!


I am so sorry to have been so rudely absent.
I have really no excuse for it, I completely forgot which day we were until I got that horrible sinking feeling when I was trying to get to sleep. I am really sorry, and I’ll make sure to do better in the future.


Was lovely to meet you all last night. Hope to see this meet up grow in the coming months


Yeah, great to meet ya’ll, and for the good chats + beer!

Let’s do it again soon!


Thanks for putting on a good night @DavidMc0, it was great to meet everyone and thanks for some of the feedback on how you’d like the meet ups to run in the future.

Looking forward to the next one already!


Yip, nice to meet you guys.
Well done, @DavidMc0 on a good choice of venue - thought they were very welcoming and accommodating.


I am now confused. Not hard I know

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Oh aye, I forgot Willie booked it originally. Duh!!!


Which reminds me… hope you are feeling better soon @Southside - good to see you but hopefully next time you can have a pint!


Thank you I think I am now on the mend. Thanks to @DavidMc0 for taking over the running of the meetup - you did a grand job. Look forward to the next one.


I didn’t need to do much thankfully :slight_smile:

Thanks for setting it up, and glad you’re starting to feel better.

It was great to meet everyone - an enjoyable evening. It’s inspiring talking about the impact the Safe Network will have from different perspectives, and getting an inside view from the team members.

I think it’s definitely worth meeting again and building on this.

The venue was great, and I expect it would be suitable for future meetups until the numbers exceed 20 or so.

If Tuesday nights suit people, we can do the same again in June. We’ll try to avoid clashing with the Scottish Blockchain meetup again.

What do others think? A June date, same venue, a couple of 5 minute talks from team / community members plus an interpretive dance explanation of the core network functionality?


Did you have animated discussions with the Blockchain meetup participants?

We didn’t thankfully.

As this first event was very low-key, we hadn’t reached out to their community, but it would probably be worth doing so next time as some attendees will likely have an interest in the Safe Network. If we do that, it’d be best the events didn’t clash so people can attend both.


Been hearing about last night from Jim - sounds like a good evening was had. He reminded me of something I had previously come across in a random Google search which might be worth looking into as an alternative venue if you need somewhere different in the future?


Yeah, really nice to meet everyone.

As far as I know June sounds good to me for a next one.

Enjoyed the low key vibes, but even a little talk would be a good excuse to drag some casually interested people down, and the goals of the project do always strike a chord when I mention it to friends.


Was nice to come along. Will try and make it again when in the neighborhood :slight_smile:


Nice to meet you all. Very much enjoyed the deep and varied discussions in the short time I was there.

Next time I’ll try to stay longer, rather than knocking over a pint glass whilst running for a train.

Or I could just make that a thing.


Yes the Electron Club is a good venue. SLUG Scottish Linux User Group meet there. I haven’t been to a SLUG meeting for a while though…