Marketing to Average Joe and Plain Jane

“Nobody really gives a crap about rights and freedom. Really nobody, except idealists and nerds.” — piluso

Don’t forget slaves.


SAFE can’t guarantee this, it’s still possible to get your login credentials stolen by a keylogger for example. Other than that it’s a good list, and I agree that’s what we should mostly promote SAFE with.

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It’s a difficult one to explain for sure. We do put a lot of thought into this at MaidSafe and I’m working on a video for the consumer site which hopefully goes some way to explaining why the SAFE Network will be important for the general public. Still a long way to go but we hope that it will grab attention and make people want to learn more.


That is the only vector that is left as a possibility.
It is still a 99.99% reduction of attack surface: no more SQLinjections, no more XSS, no more CSRF, no more 0day remote exploitation on services and servers, no more social engineering a third party customer service, and definitely no more MiTM and sniffing.
BTW, if somehow a second factor authentication is added, such as needing a yubikey, not even keyloggers will be feasible.


Actually, slaves who are aware of being slaves do give a **** about freedom and rights.
The ones that are oblivious about their rights are those who were led to believe to be already free.
The creepy founder of Scientology Ron Hubbard said it succinctly: “If you really want to enslave people tell them that you are going to give them total freedom.”

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Lots of really good points of view in here, I see many concerns raised that we have discussed internally. We should probably recognise that adoption will happen in stages. We will not go straight for the main stream, instead we target the opinion leaders that care about privacy and security and they become our early adopters. This first wave will then report back to more main stream users in a language that they can understand (this is part of their skill) and we will hopefully see the start of greater main stream use. I agree that most mainstream users don’t give a huge amount of thought to security and privacy right now, but I do think this is changing.


Hi Nick, I do believe that SafeNet will have a massive appeal quite rapidly once it is launched.
I think that the immediate benefits will be quite tangible compared to the other cryptoprojects that are more abstract and specialized, and this helps to get the common people’s head around SafeNet.


Another idea would be to make it the ‘cool’ thing to do. If only we could capture a few hipsters, brain implant them and then set them free on their bikes to spread the Gospel.

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So what happens if suddenly everybody decide to stop using the network? I mean, Imagine that suddenly the network is reduced from 1 millon Vaults to just 10 Vaults in one week. What happens with the files and data stored?

We’ve got to come up with an App or a function that is so mind-blowing amazing that it would compel people to migrate and want to try it out. Even if it’s something superficial.

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They’d be gone, unless the vaults would come online again. Something like that wouldn’t magically happen though, there’d have to be a serious catastrophe.

If you could coordinate a million people to do stop doing what they want and follow your desires, you should stop wasting your time in convincing them to turn off their machines, instead you should run for the presidency.

That kind of hypotheticals are not very useful to consider as it is applicable to every market and business model out there.
What would happen if everyone stopped using their cellphones tomorrow, how would a wireless provider survive?
How the country would survive if everyone agreed to protest at the same time against taxes?
Etc… Etc…

The answer is very simple: a mass of people won’t do anything suddenly at the exact same time, unless their power is delegated.
With MaidSafe power is thoroughly distributed, that’s where its resilience is based on, the more widespread and eclectic the group, the better.


You don’t. That would be like trying to sell people TCP/IP to get them interested in the Internet. What you need is killer apps to market and the rest will sort itself out.

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The killer app! I think we should be in good shape here and the great thing is that third parties are working on these as we speak. Early in it’s life, the network will have: a completely decentralised exchange (SAFEX), decentralised storage and collaboration, encrypted end to end messaging including VOIP, social networks where the user controls their data, global voting systems…etc…


I have come to the opinion that nothing is truly secure, just secure enough for a period of time. For example what if Russia went balls to the wall and chucked a few nukes at the US, what would happen to the dollar? If a ‘terrorist’ targeted the servers of Facebook what would happen to the share price (and all that data). The point I’m kinda trying to get across (I think) is that it just that things have to be annoying enough to mess up, for a decent enough chunk of time for them to be deemed safe, secure, stable etc. by society at large. Nothing is forever though which is always good to remember I think.

Back to the thread tho - I kinda reckon that everyone being able to earn a few safecoin and be able to easily swap them on their phones will be a pretty cool trick, especially if the UI works and looks real good. Bitcoin has always been lacking for this I reckon and safecoin should be a little bit more like MPeso. Perhaps more fundamentally though even plain Jane probably has a some data she want to keep private and safe, and average joe might not wanna have his government vetting his personal communication. Also a good alternative to popcorn time would be a good draw. Seems to me there are heaps of reasons but them I’m a fan so I am a bit biased :slight_smile:


One thing that regular folk who use Google, Youtube, Facebook etc. Do not understand but will someday is that their data and personal information need not be hacked, stolen or sold because it is already in the hands of tens of thousands of people that work for these companies along with their third parties and God only knows who else.

It’s only a matter of time before something akin to the apple iCloud naked photos leaks happens to every day folks or something worse happens. God forbid.

This right here is what will cause people to think and begin to embrace change. Facebook has like 10K employees, Google has like 55K, then you begin to look at how many other people from your telco and ISP down to the spooks who all have access to your data, it actually can begin to become overwhelming or even scary.

I explain to people all of the time ‘you dont need to get hacked’ your willingly giving your stuff away to everyone. Your birthday, your name, pictures of your home and satellite imagery of it along with your street on Google, pictures of your friends, family, loved ones and children, where you work, what you eat, what movies you like, what political parties you side with, medical conditions, drunken moments, happy moments, sad moments, its all there and all you need is the right kind of authority and access to plunder that data.

I find it creepy and weird that people I dont know can look at anything and everything that I put online. I have a young daughter so for me personally I always use that as a test/ I think to myself ‘Is this something I would want the fat creepy uncle touchy characters who work at Google and Facebook to see.’

When everyone begins to think like this, the switch becomes effortless.


@nicklambert :

Early in it’s life, the network will have: a completely decentralised exchange (SAFEX), decentralised storage and collaboration, encrypted end to end messaging including VOIP, social networks where the user controls their data, global voting systems…etc…

Nick, are you referring to Synereo or another external project or a MaidSafe app? You actually used plural, so are there multiple SAFE social network Apps coming - i.e real SAFE Apps? I’m not sure Synereo would qualify based on published statements, so very interested to know if any other candidates are in the offing.

Also, is VOIP a MaidSafe app or external?

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Yeah what @happybeing said tell us more :smile:

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“Locked open” a net that helps prevent the scarcity scams that pit us against each other. It reverses the program of economic terrorism, gets rid of the fake bottom line.

Hi Mark, no I’m not referring to Synero, I agree that they are trying to build their own infrastructure. I don’t have anything specific with regard to social networking or VOIP, just making the point that they represent obvious early genres and are likely to appear early in the SAFE Network’s life cycle.