Hello All,
I always think it important to see how the public views maidsafe and I stumbled upon a recent posting here today:
Many points the first reply brought up would be close to the stance many would take on the SAFE network that have not done their DD. Would it help to create a public website of pure Q/A’s on every single aspect of the network with code samples and unit tests to back up the claims? I mean some things simply can’t be proven until we have beta and launch the thing, but certain public misconceptions are still very much alive as seen in this post.
A few rebuttals I would have to this are as such:
side from the obvious problems of having your data hijacked, inaccessible or beyond what you can afford to store and retrieve, you could easily rent cloud storage from Amazon, IBM, etc. and encrypt it yourself.
If self encryption was so easy, everyone would be doing it for the past 20+ years, yet still today millions of accounts and personal data gets compromised regularly, so there is still major value in offloading that from user responsibility to happening in the background.
Their model is slower than storing secured data in the cloud, unlikely as reliable, and unlike AWS, etc. with a fixed monthly cost, you’d be dealing with fluctuating data store/retrieve pricing.
Not necessarily if content is smartly cached and moved around in the network as has been proposed(has this been implemented yet? Idk. I do still harbor some latency concerns but hopefully tests will prove the latency to not be a huge detriment) He obviously did not read into realizing data retrieval is free but indeed how to address fluctuating data store pricing in terms of fiat USD vs Crypto could be a frustration to some users.
Again, quick glance but it appears there’s limited amount of SafeCoin. The miners earn it, but you need it to use the system, so everyone who uses it needs to mine, and if you don’t have enough SafeCoin, well, tough luck, you can’t access what you stored.
Once again, not enough reading has been done here. There will be a large portion of SAFECoin out there to farm, the supply cap and plans to release into the network over years and years will ensure that scarcity will not be a huge concern for real users of the network.
This seems really prone to miners collecting most of the coin and “owning” the network, which then serves no purpose because only they can use it. Or worse, extort people to get at their data, if they haven’t stored it elsewhere.
Invalid see above response… Also not “miners”, and this dystopia of extorting people to get safecoin to retrieve their data can never happen… remember the free GET calls mate(oh wait but you didn’t even read about the network so there is that)…
P.S. Keeping data away from “The Man” is as simple as just encrypting it yourself, and hoping “The Man” doesn’t decide to slowly cut off your body parts until you reveal your secret key. This just changes The Man to the miners who own most of the coin.
Been hitting home this point that all the coins are owned by a central entity or a select few. Simply misinformed.
And from the outside if you had never heard of the network, all these replies make basic sense which is what really sucks, we need to be out there best educating the public in the friendliest manner possible on their goofs. Or better yet a wiki or central clean easy place where most of the basic network questions/answers are well defined and succinct that we can just point people too(and not say plz go dig in this cult forum we have ).
Granted you really can’t make people believers until they see it so I guess that should still remain priority #1, we will just have to take solace in knowing the little crown jewel we have here before the public really accepts it.