Please check out a 2020 SAFE Network marketing proposal here: SAFE Network Marketing Proposal.pdf - Google Drive
This is a first draft, so please share any feedback that you have. The marketing proposal is ambitious, but so is the SAFE Network. Many of us in the SAFE Community are committed to supporting MaidSafe in the quest to deliver the SAFE Network in anyway that we can. While the MaidSafe team works hard to deliver a working product, marketing support will be crucial to build awareness and engagement.
As mentioned before, the average ICO allocates at least $500K to marketing alone. This marketing proposal calls for 3M MAID (~$300K) to support marketing endeavors. To put that in perspective, the funding campaign a few months ago was oversubscribed and raised 20M MAID overnight with many members of this community still seeking the opportunity to participate. Please note that at this time the loan opportunity from Oct 2019 cannot be extended.
Before any funds would be collected by/distributed to a community-led foundation, a board of directors would be nominated by the community with publicly declared roles and responsibilities. To get a sense of interest in supporting marketing initiatives for MaidSafe and the SAFE Network, I’ve created some polls below (your vote will remain private):
Indicate to whom you are willing to send donated/lent funds (multiple choices ok):
- I am willing to donate funds directly to a community-lead foundation
- I am willing to donate funds directly to MaidSafe
- I am willing to lend funds to MaidSafe under an agreement similar to the funding round from Oct 2019
- I am willing to participate in an original token sale to raise funds for marketing
0 voters
I would be willing to lend more funds if MaidSafe makes the same/a similar offer as was extended in October 2019
- Yes, I am willing to lend more if the same offer is extended
- No, whether or not the same offer is extended will not impact how much I am willing to lend/donate
0 voters