MaidSafeCoin is now available on the Ethereum blockchain, thanks to eMAID

Someone’s in the middle of a conversion right now: Safe – Transaction queue


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That would be me.

I hoovered up all the cheap MAID offers on HitBTC yesterday. Will see what happens after conversion.

Nothing left now. you’d have to pay up to 0.0000091 BTC to get 2000 MAID. I was buying as low as 0.0000055 yesterday.

It was interesting. Haven’t moved any crypto around for a long time. Was good to make sure I still have private keys etc.
Was surprised at how cheap some transactions were, but also how expensive others were.

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The stupid thing is that each time you want to convert you have to do the whole “are you still alive?” KYC check at altcoinomy even though i’d done it a few hours earlier for the first conversion i started.



the domain is being retired IIUC


Thank you for posting that I was about to do the same. @Sotros25 and @Dimitar I think you might need to update your instructional threads with that link so that people don’t get turned off and scared when they see the warning message on the expired link, if you haven’t already done so.


Latest from the KYC support group on Telegram

Seems the platform is down for now


@moderators, I can’t update the list, but the link should be updated to point to


Yes, the forum limits editing after a certain time. Thanks for the info, fixed it

Privacy. Security. Freedom


I’m looking at my omni coins and thinking about these things a bit. I am curious what the reality ended up being here after all the effort went into the conversion, as surely we’ve lots of data by now.

I saw people on Uniswap, are there other decentralised exchanges people have been using? What are they, how are they faring?

What hardware wallets have folks been using? Feel free to chime in, anyone who has done this.

What have the actual numbers been like in terms of liquidity? I don’t follow these things at all, I wouldn’t know where to look. People have been staking in places like Uniswap, if I understand correctly. What’s the best way to think about this?

Have we been listed on additional traditional exchanges? I think the answer is no here, but again, I follow the trading a negligible amount.

The option to update [EDIT: I wrote “update” here copying the language I was quoting from, but re-reading, I should probably have said “swap”] to eMAID is closed now then?

Lastly - I fully agree with this point, and feel it requires no figures at all:

Whether the conversion was the panacea it was suggested it would be is uncertain to me, though, without knowing the information requested above. I do feel that going in to launch and having more options for people is obviously a good thing though, so I’m happy this was done, cheers to all involved. Any information regarding my questions will be greatly appreciated.


Here you can find answers to some of your questions:

Privacy. Security. Freedom


Thanks @Dimitar, I recall seeing that thread ages ago. That thread and your thread on OMNI Maid are brilliant, thanks for all that. Having read through there, I’ll take a stab at my own questions based on @Sotros25’s claims in the original post, and anyone with relevant info to throw in, feel free.

  1. Decentralised Exchanges = Uniswap only, but maybe some small increase in liquidity thanks to this? Unsure of how to read the numbers there. Doesn’t seem to have majorly taken off from what I can tell, but would love someone who knows more to chime in

  2. More hardware wallets = Ledger is working, I think? I found at least one post from Dimitar saying he was doing this successfully. From the lack of discussion, we can perhaps guess this hasn’t made a big impact

  3. Liquidity = Poor? Moderate increase? Can’t really tell here, but it certainly looks underwhelming

  4. Additional centralised exchanges = P2PB2B, extremely low volume, risky, so pretty close to a “no” here it appears

  5. Swap from OMNI to ERC20 still open = don’t know? Yes, I guess, since I can’t see an announcement that it’s over, but short of a response it’s hard to be sure. People can swap other coins for eMAID on Uniswap and get in that way, though, I believe? Would be interesting to hear from people who’ve gotten in that way

So in summary, the scenario seems to be: slightly more resilient right now due to Ledger and Uniswap being options, but no major increase in liquidity, and unfortunately a very far cry from what was repeatedly promised in many, many forum discussions about how the wonders of the ERC20 protocol would be a massive boost for MAID.

Any improvement in resilience is a boon, but at the same time, it’s funny to think of all the time spent on the forum badgering MaidSafe about how foolish they were not to pursue this. Hopefully lessons have been learned by all parties involved.

The strategy of many, probably most, other cryptocurrency projects seems to be “marketing first, innovation at-some-point-in-the-future”, and I’m happy to be following a project that puts innovation first, while not forgetting the importance of marketing.


I think that’s a good summary but maybe underplays the value of the resilience and misses some other benefits.

Bittrex US is gone but eMAID keeps that market open. It’s also a way in without KYC for some, and some value that.

As regulation stretches and disrupts it is important to have eMAID especially in the run up to launch. I think it’s is much more attractive to newcomers who are familiar with, or see that every other crypto project they know about is either on Ethereum or the big exchanges.

So we may not have seen the full value yet. Or it may turn out never to have been needed, but I do think it was worthwhile as a community effort. In fact, showing the community what they can do without MaidSafe is another benefit.

That is also valuable going forward because MaidSafe can point to this as consistent with their bigger goal to step away from the centre and decentralise everything, not just the tech.

I agree that those who were skeptical of the expectations of some advocates have been correct in terms of impact on price and volume… so far. But for me the main issue was not to burden MaidSafe because even without impact on price it was clearly a good idea and I think it has worked out really well.

It’s very difficult to get something like this done and I applaud everyone who put in actual work, some a lot of time and hard work, in the process.


Yes the switch has heavily underperformed on every promise, making the original claims for the switch to Emaid look like wishful thinking. It’s good to have Uniswap and a good work to make the switch happen but much more is needed closer to launch. Hopefully the team can free up resources closer to launch to make Maid/eMaid more available to the masses for larger demand and adoption.

As longer and longer time have gone by before a stable test net, the interest on the markets have decreased, no matter what coin protocol is being used. Hopefully that will change soon.


I agree on all counts, but only from the moment where the advocates of this change took it upon themselves to do it and stopped making out like it was MaidSafe who had to do it.

I don’t intend to dwell on it, just thought after a year of eMAID in the wild, it’d be worthwhile to look squarely at the reality of the situation and recall those never-ending discussions of a few years back.

That being said, any volunteer work to do anything of use is brilliant, and it definitely is of use, so again, all those who made it happen, hats off. I am absolutely rooting for eMAID, I hope it pans out and proves itself of great use.

And it’s true, I hadn’t made the jump that the Bittrex US situation meant cutting off US purchasers. Bittrex Global is only an option for non-US residents? If so, then eMAID could definitely help there.

I also had not considered the KYC aspect - as long as a buyer can get some other coin anonymously that swaps for eMAID on Uniswap, then they can get eMAID anonymously, is the idea here? Are there such pairs, or anyone with experience of that? Is using Uniswap without KYC easy?


Part of the problem, regardless of the exchange, is so many people are HODLing their MAID (whether MAID or eMAID). This drives down trade volume which makes it look like a dead coin/project. In the short term, switching to eMAID helps some things like the use of hardware wallets, and easier movement of coins.

Longer term, it kind of depends on how fast the project grows and how quickly the shift to SNT becomes. If the project sits in Beta for a year gathering steam before the switch, then the demand for MAID may become a lot higher, and prices may go up, releasing the HODLing hold for some, and increasing trade volume. If the project goes from MVP->Beta->Full launch in a few months, then the switch may have been mostly pointless for some, as SNT will become the new “to the moon” coin. Although, until SNT->other coins infrastructure is setup, MAID may still be traded heavily, in which case, eMAID is the easier coin to use, and one much more easily integrated into current centralized exchanges.

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Past 24 hr volume on Bittrex was barely >$1k - sweetie money :slight_smile:

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Hi all, the onboarding link does not seem to work for me (page loads infinitely), not sure where to go from the home page? Advice/guidance will be greatly appreciated :slight_smile: Thank you!

Ive not used this as yet.
But your link lands on a different page.
The other link loads for me, and has a signup tab at the top.

( this is the link Sotros posted copied and pasted)
( do that so you know im not deceiving you )

Did you try some different browsers? Worth a try.