MaidSafeCoin (EMAID) now available on the BitMart exchange!

Got a referral from @Dimitar, thanks!

One of the smoothest verification processes ever, and it was finished in just about 3 minutes, or so. :+1:

Even when Iā€™m so delighted to get eMAID on to a centralized exchange, I must say Iā€™m kind of happy having been forced to learn a bit about DEXes in the meantime. Iā€™ll probably use Bitmart in the future, but the DEX world surely is interesting, and very nice to have when all else fails.

Also, big thanks once more to all the folks who made eMAID happen! :heartpulse:


do u think there will be bigger volume then on uniswap?

Yes, it is extremely easy to fake the volume. However, what you are interested in is the depth of the market, because only the exchange profits from the volume (from the fees).

When you sell/buy, you are interested in the depth of the market - by what percentage will you move the price against yourself.

I personally bet on Uniswap for depth.

Privacy. Security. Freedom

Welcome compatriot :joy:

The re-education camps canā€™t come soon enough to Scotland. :pray:

Nice to see some movement on social media and Maidsafe twitter account.

Give it a like, repost and spread the word.

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You realise this is going to cost you much pintage at some point in the near futureā€¦ :slight_smile:

It was worth it :kissing_heart:

Of course it doesnā€™tā€¦

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Any idea why New York is in that list above?

And totally off-topic, does anyone ever refer to upstate Connecticut, Utah Texas etc - or is it only used for non-NYC New York state?

Likely because you need a specific State license for NY, and they are reputedly very difficult to obtain. Thatā€™s my assumption anyway.


NY was scared early of Bitcoin and wanted it controlled.

Not sure of the upstate question. S orry for all the off topic chatter.

Is it not available in the US? I get this error.

Dear user, Unfortunately BitMart service is not available for the selected area due to potential or actual regulatory restrictions/concerns. We appreciate your kind support to BitMart.

New York is the only state where this is done. Its unique population center in the southeast corner of the state which is so different from the rest of the state gives the ā€œupstateā€ distinction meaning.


In which state are you trying?


North Carolina

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Is it possible your provider or connection is through New York?


So ā€œupstate New Yorkā€ is actually a tautology then?

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ā€œUpstateā€ is the northern part of New York state that excludes New York City.

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I donā€™t think so. Iā€™ve tried without a VPN and with a VPN in multiple different states and I get the same error.
I also noticed that trying to create an account with a phone number doesnā€™t list United States as a valid option.

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