MaidSafe Presentation at Mozilla Paris

If some of you are in Paris tomorrow, André Reinald from Mozilla Paris is organizing a decentralization meetup in Mozilla’s office from 7pm to 11pm. @BenMS and me are going to give a high-level description of the SAFE network (me), as well an update on the latest developments (Ben), especially concerning the Routing layer refactoring, and the creation of a domain-specific language to implement the Vaults logic.

@bolet75 is currently helping with the development of an extension that will allow Firefox to access content on the MaidSafe network. He is also doing outreach on the usage of remoteStorage, since eventually any application that works with it will also transparently work with a peer-to-peer implementation of the API, currently codenamed peerStorage.

Join us!



Is there gonna be a livefeed? A video later?

I’ve seen some recording going on but I am really not sure of the quality and whether it will be publicly distributed. We will let you know if a feed of the meeting is available.