Maidsafe coin vs Safe coin, Should I invest today $100k?

I would advise against using that wallet, even if you found it (i havent heard of it either). Its not a Wallet anyone is using, and there are a lot of scams Out there, unfortunately!

Search this forum for omniwallet and you should find help how to use it securely. Its a good online wallet.

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AWESOME! That is exactly what I have been looking for.
I input an old test seed from my Trezor and all the public addresses for the different crypto coins I had made note of seem to match up. This makes it possible to make a paper wallet backup of the hidden private keys on a Trezor should the need arise. I tested one of the generated BTC private keys in Omniwallet and it works. I will proceed with caution with a few Maid. Thanks.


A post was split to a new topic: Anyone knows anything about SHIFT?

hey alex what happened to the conversion button on your coinpayment platform?