I have confidence on the team. So I got a few millions.
I have more than most in safeecosystem and I’m still accumulating whenever I see dips.
If you aren’t sure or don’t have faith then drop them. None of us ‘investors/supporters’ care much about short term price fluctuations, so there’s no incentive for us to convince you to stay.
Personally, I will enjoy watching safenet’s market cap jump from $25m to $250m in a matter of weeks… then things will start to get really interesting as it takes over the world and slowly becomes a trillion dollar ecosystem.
/biased and proud
At the crowd sale and picked up 30k more over last year at low points.
Meh Im a target for years already for running coinpayments.net so at this point its just part of life lol
I can’t believe someone whould invest 100K$ without any due dillience in something, even if he is a billionaire.
Forums and trollboxes don’t count as due diligence??
hmmm…well that explains some things…whoops.
Lol. Please do so…
He wouldn’t he’s full of crap.
Maybe inflation isn’t covered officially, I actually don’t know. But that’s a pretty silly reason to sell half of your coins. Maybe the silliest reason ever; it’s not going to happen anytime soon… like really, no point the devs would pull something like that, as if they don’t know that excess inflation is bad.
$100k is chump change to a billionaire. A billionaire could pop that much into all of the reasonably promising crypto projects and still barely dent the wallet.
Edit: I don’t think OP is a billionaire it might be chump change but billionaires aren’t billionaires from chucking money at speculation with no due diligence
All due respect to the developers and @dirvine et al, don’t be surprised if safecoin goes live a year or more from now. This means all speculators, that have bought [and will buy] maidsafe coins before we convert to safecoin 1:1, need to store them in wallets with good reputations, offline, 2FA, and not hold too much in exchanges. In other words, best practices = don’t rely on MaidSafe Coins being converted to native safecoins in the SAFE Network anytime soon, and be systems and network paranoid!
Well reality of crypto space is, you snooze you miss out. Iv made money on ltc when it was only 3c, PPC when it was sub 1c, quarks, primecoin, eth and now maidsafe. Not to say there have not been some loosers too but when you win in crypto you win big, most important things to look for in crypto space as i found are:
Marketing scale, Team, Message to the world, Exchanges willingness to add.
Maidsafe has all of those maxed out just like ETH did, has workable tech that is showing signs of life, already actively traded with heavy daily volume, far greater than any precoin token EVER seen in history. Test nets roll out on regular, so I dont even look at chart I just happily await release and with confidence like never before.
Mind though to get to such emotionless state it takes years of investing experience, so that said, if you are not able to sleep at night and see -80% of your investment and know its all good. Dont enter it, but remember buying BTC at $25 just before it crashed down down to $6 would have been one of the greatest investments you could have made just a few years ago
A post was split to a new topic: Can anyone give the low down on Rimbit?
Sorry everyone, really new to all of this.
I’m looking for some advice:
Prior to purchasing MaidSafe Coin, I have been advised to create a Cent Wallet account to store my MaidSafe Coin.
Cent Wallet supposedly has the ability to hold all crypto currency & provides the option of converting your currency from one form to another.
EXAMPLE: MaidSafe Coin to BitCoin
WHERE Can I find this Cent Wallet platform I’ve been told about?
Otherwise, can anyone suggest something similar to Cent Wallet that is a reliable and safe way to store/convert my MaidSafe Coin or any other form of cryptocurrency?
Thank you for your time.
I have never heard of Cent Wallet and a quick Google search doesn’t bring it up. To my knowledge, the only way to currency hold MAID in a transaction-capable wallet is to use OmniWallet.
I created a wallet on bitaddress.org. I don’t know if the person you spoke with has a vested interest in the Cent Wallet, but I’ve never heard of it and didn’t find much from a quick search.
That should be “currently” not currency… damn auto type!
Just make a Bitcoin paper wallet and put them on there. When the time comes to convert to Safecoin you can import your key into Omni wallet. As far as I know there are no hardware wallets that support Omni, which is normally where you would want to hold coins these days.
Last I was searching for such a wallet with multi-cryptocoin support and there are a couple but none really usable for me yet.
Some good ones out there but only with support for ‘some’ of the bigger coins.
Some of them integrate shapeshift but only a part of the coins and for me not worth yet using one.
I found some info on cryptocompare.com
You can store your Maidsafecoin in Trezor or Ledger wallet on a Bitcoin address. When you want to spend your Maid you can import your seed in this converter offline: https://iancoleman.github.io/bip39/
The public and private key you can import in OMNI wallet with this file structure: