MaidSafe and project SAFE moving forward

This can just be the name itself. So we can create many names and sign them over to any other person. I am not sure how uphold works but if it allows messages and the name is there with a secret message or similar then that’s possibly easy. I suppose a way to detect duplicates though would be required and a refund mechanism.

We can certainly look into this. With data_chains possibly coming along this becomes easy to do technically.


Maidsafe stable financial future is worth an distraction.

Even with a lot of money, you should try to worry. The more you worry, the more you think about solutions to solve your new worries.

The idea is one of the options we have to survive these rough times, it’s clear that some people here want us to panic and not focus on our goals. The SAFE Network is a to beautiful idea for it not to power itself, even if it’s not completely here yet. This communities biggest weakness imho has been Maidsafecoin, because it can be manipulated. The funny thing is there are other parts in the SAFE Network puzzle that are also valuable (public ID).

Let’s be honest, this public ID thing is not my idea, it’s David’s idea, I’m just a stubborn puppy barking about it :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope that it’ll be easy to setup

Hmmmm I also had the idea of a aggressive auction, every 10 minutes you can buy up a public Id slot, the first public ID it’s costs starts at $10000 (because hey your going in the history books).


Uphold most importantly has 2fa (I’m sorry that I always begin about security, but that is law in my book)

So whoever is sending you money can convert it to whatever fiat currency you’ll accept. They can also include a message when they send you money. People also need to register with a phone for the account creation prevents people from creating to many accounts.

No refunds, people can just pick another public ID if the one they wanted is already used. Maidsafe needs money, this community/project needs to survive we don’t know the word refunds. (I’m sorry sounding so harsch, but we need money in the kitty)

Wow that would be amazing

Sorry I have to go to sleep now, it would be nice to have a crowdsale asap. Let’s show the people who want to push Maidsafe around that we’re not having it :stuck_out_tongue:

@dirvine thanks hope Maidsafe finds a way to get it done

but now :sleeping:


A flat $10 seems much too low, and takes no account the fact that some of these IDs are valuable commercial property.


Good point, Maidsafe should just charge these prices

Could get fun

But now for real :sleeping:

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$10 x 2,000 buyers (that’s the scale of readers of this forum) = a drop in the bucket.

Consider the possibility that your motivation includes wanting everyone on the forum to have a vanity ID. That would be nice but should be put aside in favor of maximizing the amount collected, and that will come from auctioning commercially potentially valuable dictionary words. If 1,000 words and you get $100-$1,000 for each then that’s $100,000-$1million.

Then there’s two-word combinations: while “porn” will be valuable, who can say what other words, prefixed to “porn”, would be a combination that someone would bid on?

The organizers cannot guess in advance what will fetch what prices, which is what markets are for. An extended auction (I had been thinking 30 days, but 90 days might be better) will do that.

The non-commercial rest of us can make do with whatever is left over.


Problem is selling those domains. It is a risky investment. Some people would say, screw that and come up with creative name. Plus, somebody will build a petname system (I really hope so) so it would be pointless to have hoarding naming system. If that were to be released, then the whole investment into names will be meaningless, waste of time and money.


Petname system is genius, and I can’t wait to use it. It just makes so much more sense than centralised DNS.

I already do it with custom-labelled URL shorteners today, but it will be much cleaner on SAFE.

Sorry if that’s random but just my 2¢ since petname keeps coming up


Some people might buy more public ID’s, I for one would buy a minimum of 10, you make a good point maybe it’s better if all public ID’s are sold at $10.

These websites might want to reserve a domain name, they are already in this space:

These 500 websites might want to reserve a domain name, for a minimum of $1000 each:

These 500 websites might want to reserve a domain name, for a minimum of $1000 each:

It’s never a problem to sell stuff, public ID’s got good properties from the start (network protection + real ownership (not renting) + no third party needed)

I would agree, but at this moment there are people working hard to put this community/project to an halt. If Maidsafe doesn’t monetize on what the SAFE Network can offer, we’re just wasting our time. The Maidsafe devs hardly get sleep, are underfunded and Maidsafecoin is only worth 6¢. With so many negatives we have to create our own positive. Honestly bro if this crowdsale can bring in money, so Maidsafe can add more devs, work on a browser, SAFE os and promote the heck out of this privacy and freedom centric goody, then I would say “Just Do it!!!”

This is more for the marketing part, maybe if the crowdsale page would be a clone of Godaddy, maybe it might get the internet writing about it and do the promotion for us. Who knows this might get more people interested…

Example Facebook clone:stuck_out_tongue:

If community help is needed, I’m willing to help with promotion (but first I have to reserve my public ID’s)


I’ve started a github for 1000 publicID’s starting at $1000, please join:’s

Domain names shouldn’t be sold in bulk, people should be able to bid on specific names in an auction. However it is done, it should definitely support BTC payments. I have no desire to go through the banking system for this.


Yes of course, but the bidding price starts at a minimum of 1000, with this list. We want Maidsafe to reach a million mark asap.

Whatever Maidsafe/the community think is best (I only mention Uphold, because it enable Maidsafe to get money in fiat and withdraw it with ease to their bank account without having to go to an exchange).

I am sure maidsafe could manage the auction, which could be open until launch. Popular domains would no doubt get bid higher and higher during this period. In short, there would be no need to fire sell them - just let people bid them up to a market price.

I suppose if money is needed quickly, this may be more complicated.



There must be a platform out there for auctioning tokens for BTC? The tokens would be easy to define, with meta data containing the domain name.

Once the auctions are completed, the tokens could be traded on the market, then claimed on launch. Maidsafe would just need to ensure they have created all of the names ahead of launch.

Pre-selling digital property which will be created at launch seems like a great/simple business plan to me. If anything, it would only add to the potential value of maidsafecoin too - both will be assets on the network, just with different properties.


I mentioned DNS squatting a while back:

Turns out, it’d be pretty easy. Especially if a script makes it’s own API from the core rust code and doesn’t go through the launcher, or maybe hacking on the launcher a little bit would be easier. Let’s find out.


I’ll go out side and enjoy the weather like normal people, I got to tone it down here, before I get too exited again. @nicklambert @dirvine I can’t wait for the auction/crowdsale to be announced, but hope we’ll get to see one soon. :stuck_out_tongue:

The problem with this idea for me is it is based on the assumption that lots of people will register lots of domain names and I don’t think that will happen during the timescale that funding is needed - not in the numbers to raise even one week of MaidSafe funding.

And if it even raised a week or two of funding it may well hinder rather than help because it will at best be a distraction for MaidSafe (imagine the community discussions and accusations that could be generated) and could easily end up costing more in developer and particularly David’s time than it generates. It may be simple technically, but it still has to be made bullet proof, which means design, review, testing and then marketing, managing, monitoring, handling of problems, disputes, bad press etc. The community might do some of that, but my expectation is that MaidSafe will have to front this, and will end up having to do almost all of it.

Eventually it would of course raise a lot, but that will be because the network is delivered, proven, popular, and the masses can see it is a thing, but I’m not sure we want this then - so what is the intention around that? A cut off? When? How much do you confidently expect to be raised by then? How will this help MaidSafe, or might it be counter productive?


Tbh, I am surprised selling DNS names hasn’t been included in the business model and used as an asset to aid funding.

It is simple to explain to investors, as clear net has something similar already. They are also worth a lot on clear net too.

To set the record straight, i have talked with @dallyshalla about this and i have made it clear (also in public, see the extra MAID thread on this forum) I disagreed with company decisions. Several of these company decisions are exactly the reason I felt the only honorable thing I could do was resign from MaidSafe, the company.

haha - one day later - 120 posts more Oo :sweat_smile:

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