sure, this is how safeshare used to work : POC : Introducing SafeShare, a file sharing and pasting webapp
Basically I took the code from Up1 : GitHub - Upload/Up1: Client-side encrypted image host web server ( you can try it live on :
Back then it created a service and public Id for each file you uploaded ( as a workaround because we didn’t have mutables ) , and it spat a url like safe://safeshareQDFG645F.SQ6GSDRG5Zqsdrf"'3454 that you could send to anyone.
When opening the url in the browser, you could either download it as file with the correct extension ( really , just like Up1 does ) or have it displayed by the browser if the file type was supported.
I suppose it would be not too complex and really cool to port it to alpha2, and have it work like you said , so it could create links like :
safe://safeshare/45GKert’455RTGdf.pdf or whatever .