LICENSING: Are you dead set on GPL3?


This is just the thing. What exactly does SAFE stand for? Or rather, what exactly is the purpose of MaidSafe? I believe the core purpose of MaidSafe is on the front page of the website

I think a better summary is “secure access for everyone” because it reveals the values behind the goal: security and access, with equal rights for everyone.

I will not attempt to define @dirvine’s purpose in creating SAFE, but one of the things that impressed me to join this project was reading what David believed could be accomplished by creating it, and because of the values I felt were evident from his words.

I find his being more convinced about GPL over time consistent with the above, and I think that adopting GPL is both consistent with S. A. F. E. and amplifies its potential effect.

I have gone from not understanding the distinction between “open source” and “free as in freedom”, but now think I get it, and am more and more convinced that it is a better system than conventional IP in general, rather than just a useful alternative license. How that ever got in place I now wonder. It pretends to be designed to support creativity and innovation, but it’s effect seems to me to be otherwise, defended by those who benefit from it financially, who constantly seek to extend it and apply it in ways that massively offend that justification.

All for GPL, and GPL for all!