I had the chance to see/ask this question to Paige at the Bitcoins in the Kingdom conference in Orlando.
I’m one of the team members of OpenBazaar, currently looking for a stable DHT implementation to use on OpenBazaar, what I’ve read about Maidsafe routing seems to fit our needs, until one reads the licensing.
On Paige’s talk, she mentioned that one of your core missions was something along the lines of creating the protocols for a decentralized internet.
From a strategic point of view, I want to ask if it’s being debated among you in the company to change the licensing of core components that make decentralization happen, for instance DHT based routing.
In the specific case of OpenBazaar, we have very big issues to adopt and contribute to your technology simply because of the licensing. On one hand we don’t know if we’d even be allowed to use your technology as a non-commercial entity because even though we’re a purely open and free community technological effort our software’s purpose is mainly commercial for the end users, so would our users have to pay Maidsafe?
And then, even if you guys gave us the go, then we can’t use your source code because it’s GPL3 and this license happens to be a viral open source license which would disencourage the enterprise sector from using and extending our technology without opening their sources, yet possibly providing more nodes to our p2p network.
We changed our own license from GPL to MIT because we’re looking to create a protocol for Smart Contract exchanges, if we were to force anyone to open their source we know our protocol would never be adopted, specially by bigger technology players whose interests might not align with opening all of their sources and we’d end up losing in the end.
I wonder if you don’t see the same problem for yourselves as a tremendously limiting factor for the adoption of your technology and your ideal of creating a decentralized internet, or if there are any workaround to using your technology as a component so that we don’t have to contaminate our sources with GPL licensing?