I am seeing the following:
What is this for?
This is the Authenticator asking you if you want to give permissions to an App.
Hello is Trust Level Basic User as high as Level 1 for the Testing 17 access yet?
Yes, level 0 is for people that just joint the forum. You get at TL1 quite fast.
Sorry if this is very basic stuff. I am not a developer.
I did not open this, it just came up. If I click allow - I am giving access to Safe Manager by joe to access both containers? Are these containers created on my computer? Are these what allows SAFE to work?
No problem,
these containers are yours on the network (currently TEST 17). So all data is encrypted locally and stored online in one of these containers. When you choose a public container the keys to decrypt that data are shared with everyone else. So each App on the network asks you for permission, they can not just add/remove something in your container. Nor can they make something public without your permission.
Thank you! (20 Chars*************)
Yes, you got it.
When a SAFE app starts it gets the Authenticator (in the browser) to request the permissive it needs. So by ‘Allow’ you give this permissions, which you can disallow at any time using the Browser /Authenticator.
If you don’t allow, the app won’t be able to function in part or in full.
Where can I see my Trust Level?
In your profile. level 2 = member
level 1 = basic user
You are at level 1 at the moment
So I have Test 17 access now?
I can publish my first website right now?
Pinching ourselves too