I started to have comfortable environment now and I started trying to help in my way. Even if it’s not open I think it’s good that everyone can help. Everyone can post issue on github. And tell their finding and pinpoint where the problem are. It’s not a place to ask question but find a solution.
It’s hard finding the problem and to find a solution but that can help the core developer having more time to the development for the SAFE Network. And it’s a good way to start learning how it work.
I suggest that everyone willing to give it a try to do it. It take me time to learn and now I have a good basic on how it work in the sources.
Even without knowing how to find the solution or fix the issue everyone can pinpoint the problem and help the core developer to find the solution.
I invite everyone to join the bounty bug for the project to be finish more quickly. I do this because I want to learn and I want the SAFE Project to advance more faster.
Let’s give you a good startup.
safe_client is the authentication entry point for the client side app. (Soon be replaced be the Launcher)
safe_nfs is for the network file system
safe_dns you know what is it.
safe_ffi it’s like a higher level lib that connect both of the last 3 together. This one it’s not really important in the sense it have very little issue.
routing, it’s the one that connect between XOR address
crust, it’s the one that connect between IP to IP address
The two last it’s the most important one for me. And they are the one that need to be the most stable at all cost.
An example is here.
safe_client need routing
routing need crust
Almost everything need routing first and this one need crust.
I may be not accurate here and some correction may be needed.
Last more thing, don’t ask question on github, it’s not the place. Ask question here in this forum (with a specific subject) or on this topic if you need help on how you can help or to make you better to help. Me or other can help you to be better to help.
Sorry my english.