Thanks, but I knew about that. I’ve also had it running on Linux.
My purpose in compiling, and on Windows, is to become familiar with developing and modifying this software, and on Windows in particular because that’s where most of the users are. My goal isn’t to run vaults per se.
EDIT: The download in the video (Release Safe DNS Example · maidsafe-archive/safe_examples · GitHub) is from September 2015, ancient history. It is 7MB compared to my build (after the “strip” operation in the build script) of 9MB. I guess there’s been a whole lot of routing machinery put into it since then.
Just now I reproduced what I had done weeks ago, of the same steps as the video, using the downloaded safe_vault_win.exe, and indeed it runs a vault if you have two or more instances running on the same machine (no launcher). They find each other as in the video. If instead I use my safe_vault.exe build then, no matter now many instance are running on the same machine, they give the errors below.
Same result if I have it on separate machines.
This is regardless of how I tweak the safe_vault.crust.config; e.g., with only the other machine’s LAN IP under “hard_coded_contacts”.
I am a bit purturbed by that environment variable, which is indeed required for (my) safe_vault.exe to run without exiting with a panic error, which is an undocumented “secret sauce” that I have not been able to find in any md file at github, and only ad hoc mentions of it on this forum.
What other undocumented requirements are there, such as environment variables, that are only found on the developer’s computer?
Something else: Not only does the installer produced by the Powershell script not set that environment variable, it also doesn’t adjust the security settings of the installed files/directories properly. To get this far I had to manually grant the user full access to the c:\programdata\safe_vault\ directory, otherwise it exits with a panic error.
INFO 17:43:53.763490700 [safe_vault]
Running safe_vault v0.5.0
WARN 17:43:55.307893400 [w_result] Failed to find an IGD gateway on n
etwork interface {34BA2F5E-B975-4CFC-8AEB-F4DE3CF94ABD} igd::sear
ch_gateway_from_timeout returned an error: IO error: A connection attempt failed
because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. (os
error 10060)
WARN 17:43:57.320297000 [crust::connection] TCP direct connect
failed: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused
it. (os error 10061)
WARN 17:44:20.114737400 [crust::bootstrap] Error connecting to
bootstrap peer: No connection could be made because the target machine actively
refused it. (os error 10061)
WARN 17:44:21.144339200 [crust::connection] TCP direct connect
failed: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused
it. (os error 10061)
INFO 17:44:23.421943200 [routing::core] Running listener.
INFO 17:44:23.437543200 [routing::core] | Node(f572…) PeerId(a391…
) - Routing Table size: 1 |
EDIT1: OK, I suppose I’ll have to trawl through the source code to find out what environment it might be expecting. That’s what I signed up for…