Implementing Complex Sites

The key thing for now is static content and you can do a lot with that. You can even do search within the site, though I’ve not tried that myself.

I’m not sure what you mean by asynchronous content updating, but @Traktion has demonstrated video streaming at least to a degree, that is you can watch videos hosted on the network.

You don’t need anything special. Begin with a static website and if it works locally - without a web server - it should work on Autonomi. This doesn’t just mean using hand-crafted HTML, there are plenty of static website generators out there, including Publii which looks and feels like WordPress but runs on your PC or laptop.

I hope to be demonstrating this before long, and showing others how to publish these kinds of sites too. For now though I’m waiting on a fix to the Autonomi client APIs for upload of directories for this bug.

People are building sites for this right now, or waiting for help to do so in this topic: Website builders - an invitation