If SAFE won't pay content makers, it shouldn't pay App makers

I can’t read this many posts, so please forgive me if I’m stating something that’s already obvious to everybody.

If PtP will be implemented, most payment will not be for “actual” content (as we humans think of content: movies, music, books, etc), but for services related to actual content. I know: “[citation needed]” :smile_cat:

There are classes of services (e.g. search engines) that will need to post a lot of data, but it will be for the benefit of the community, not the benefit of the owner. These services, however important, will simply not be possible without offsetting for their expenses. At the same time, getting payment would be an incentive to provide quality content.

[EDIT] I didn’t notice this thread was the one with the App makers argument. About that, I don’t think it’s possible. Apps and the Launcher are just code running on your computer: you have full control over them, sometimes theoretically, at other times readily (e.g. for the open-source Launcher). So, if a payment is not enforced by the network that serves the content, that payment is not going to be made. I don’t believe the network differentiate between content that is “App code” and content that is “cat video,” so that’s where I’m saying the idea is dead. Please correct me if I’m completely off track.

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