Ideas to keep Maidsafe Net & Safecoin as open as possible

The only way to discover the best use is by scientific method. Trial and error.

I’m in favor of micropayments and microtransactions. Every link you click should cost Safecoin. Every valuable character you type should earn Safecoin.

This would allow you to do access control as well using tokens. If the user does not have the token they do not get access. So if there is a safesite then it can charge per minute, it can charge and reward different users with different levels of access in accordance to how much Safecoin they are willing to pay.

But I think using Safecoin in this way is inefficient. An even better way is to let each site operator have their own token which represents access to their specific Safesite. Example if you have a blog on SAFE Network and you want to make it profitable then in order to access your blog everyone has to buy your token which acts as the ticket.

This same ticket infrastructure could work for anything. You buy a ticket to access different portions of the SAFE web. You buy tokens to access different decentralized applications. You earn tokens by using decentralized applications and by contributing valuable content to or using safesites.

As long as everyone can earn and spend it works. The collaborative open economy works but only to a point. People don’t really get paid for “time” because you cannot really define time as anything important. That is like saying people should get paid for numbers of measurement.

People get paid for attention. Attention and time are not the same thing.

A machine which doesn’t live or die has no true sense of what time is but it can that a lot of humans pay attention to certain things or want attention given to certain things.

Attention is something you pay to others. Others must earn your attention. Cryptocurrency can enable you to sell your attention.

How much attention should cost has to be left up to the free market but it should at least be enough to be sustainable. So like you said it would probably have to be enough that everyone can use their attention to farm with so they can buy tokens, shares in decentralized apps, and contribute to the economy.

I don’t think Safecoin is going to solve all of these problems. I think for the underlying wealth the Safecoin is a good commodity.

I think your intentions are right but you aren’t explaining why businesses will be interested in purchasing attention if there isn’t an advertising capability.

Without attracting businesses to SAFE Network it’s just going to be a nerd playground. Nothing is wrong with that but that isn’t going to create a community or build an economy.

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