A couple of years ago, test networks with vaults from home functioned for a number of days, and sometimes weeks at a time.
This showed that the basic concept of the SAFE network was functional, but it wasn’t ready for prime time due to various issues, including spamming of vaults and other challenges of losing consensus if I remember correctly.
Would these tests have failed if they were forced to have a far lighter load?
How difficult would it be to create a cut-down & simplified close-group-consensus network with the sole purpose of running a crypto currency and token system that can avoid being strained to breaking point like the early test networks?
Another way of phrasing this could be:
Would it be much easier / faster to create a secure close-group-consensus network if the requirements of the network were greatly constrained, compared with creating the full SAFE network?
Such a network could have a very light load, as it would only need to:
- handle currency & token data (vaults would be a few MB or less)
- handle wallet software (like Decorum Wallet, or Safe Wallet that take very little space)
My thinking, which may be mistaken, is that it would be easier to make a secure / stable network if the requirements on the network were significantly lower than what will be required for the full Safe Network, enabling compromises that boost stability & simplicity at the expense of performance.
I’m not a developer, so would appreciate input on how such a network could be made secure with as little further development as possible, possibly including measures like:
- Higher number of duplicates of each data piece due to the tiny size of the data being stored (making churn less of an issue, and data loss less likely)
- Aggressive rate limiting or similar to keep resource requirements low and prevent spam / attacks and make churn a non-issue
- Built in transaction fees (when required) for all token / currency transactions to prevent spam / attacks
- Proof of stake node incentivisation (as farming isn’t coded & wouldn’t work if people aren’t paying to host data)
- Simplified recovery mechanism in the case of network failure that only makes sure token & currency balances are recoverable
These features may be tricky to integrate (some may not be reasonably possible), but I wonder if something along these lines could be far quicker to develop than the full SAFE network due to the greatly reduced requirement on the network in terms of resources.
Could it possibly even be based off the old functional test network code, but with tweaks to constrain that network to avoid the issues that caused its downfall, e.g. by ensuring the network is never anything close to strained?
Why consider this?
For now, I’m more interested in IF and HOW this could be possible rather than why, but if possible it could be valuable because it could;
- Show that the consensus mechanism that the SAFE network will use is functional
- Boost interest due to having a working (even if limited) product, helping attract interest & devs for the SAFE network
- Be an innovative & unique crypto currency and token platform that is fast, has low fees, is anonymous, and has network-hosted wallets
- Be used to host MAID, so people have an option other than Omni (though I have no idea about how exchange integration could be achived)
If this would be as hard to achieve with a high degree of stability as finishing the SAFE network, then it’s a non starter, because SAFE will be able to do all of this anyway.
If it could be achieved in a fairly short period of time (e.g. 2-4 months), then it may be worth exploring how it could be funded / staffed, and whether the benefits would likely outweigh the costs.