Following a certain wonderfully comprehensive and educational Rust tutorial(created by one of our very own ) inspired me to want to learn more about systems programming and fundamental computer science.
I dreamed of finding a job that could turn into a career, where I could get a foot hold working primarily with JS while also learning Rust, systems concepts, and a real computer science education.
So one day I stumbled upon the Friends of Rust page, Production - Rust Programming Language, and opened up a new tab in my browser for every company listed there.
When I looked into MaidSafe’s Github repository I found an unbelievably perfect match for what I was seeking.
We’re lucky to have you Hunter. Always pleased to see community members join the team such as you, @lightyear and @bochaco. All deemed worthy by a team with high standards.
Not sure if I’ve don’t this before or not.
I heard of maidsafe through the Let’s Talk Bitcoin podcast right after the somewhat controversial crowdfund of maidsafe with maidsafecoin. I thought oh cool a project working on much more than just money I’ll check it out. So I lurked the community forum while reading the white papers and I loved the discussions here and davids vision. I’ve been hooked ever since.
Concerning to me it was on Bitcointalk Forum. I was just beginning to be interested into crypto market when I saw a thread dealing with promising tokens, and one person mentionned MAID.
Then I spent a few months reading this forum and maidsafe’s blog. And I’m now very excited about the product they are building!!
Hi New to the forum and MaidSafe.
I’ve been invested in just Bitcoin but during the lead up to the split I started doing research to widen my portfolio.
Ended up purchasing Eth and MaidSafe.
Looking fwd to the journey.
I just registered to the forum. I have invested in MaidSafe early this year and I’m planning to share my resources by running the MaidSafe Nework. I found the community forum on the website and I’m happy to be here because i want the learn more about it.