I found them on Reddit in the sub /r/futurology can’t remember the type of content it linked to.
How did you find out about them?
I found them on Reddit in the sub /r/futurology can’t remember the type of content it linked to.
How did you find out about them?
David Irvine’s inspirational talks on YouTube
Changed my whole world view overnight
If we can find out where most people heard about it, we can leverage that and create a fire hydrant effect.
I personally make cure to comment and mention SAFE in any discussions on privacy, safety, security and hacks in social and online media. If we all did this regularly we would see a steady rise in uptake but those fire hydrants are key.
heard about it from a brilliant engineer from the West coast of Scotland, at a local meetup, over a huge beer.
Checked out what he told me when i got home, didni sleep for 3 days
Techcrunch article in July 2014.
The piece was eye opening for me. First time I heard about the project, but it gave a very clear picture of the ‘why’, and the explanations on the ‘how’ instantly made me feel that SAFE was groundbreaking and not vaporware.
^This was a great one, for sure. Showed it to many of my friends
Stumbleupon, futurism category.
bitcointalk—maidsafe ipo
EDIT: oops no, it wasn’t that, someone posted a link to MaidSafe on diaspora. My memory!
Not this: I was researching Ethereum and think I heard about it on their reddit, a month or so before the MaidSafe crowdsale.
Ahhh @goindeep I heard it from you in an AU forum (WP)
^Techcrunch article. Blessed day
I was researching decentralized storage and encryption, and the storj guys talked about MAIDSAFE.
I heard about it on some random bitcoin article and watched the youtube overview video but it never really clicked then. I was like “whoa over a million in 6 hours? Damn I wish I could have got some of that. Oh well next article.” Because at the time there wasn’t much on the site and I didn’t know about the forums. It wasn’t until later that @happybeing reeled me in on friendica by telling me about the forums and all of that.
on the Keiser report 2 part interview on RT… it’s on Youtube, love it. … I wish they’d get them back in to give an update…
Chatting with David Irvine at a Bitcoin meetup in Edinburgh a year or two ago about an idea. He said my project could be hosted on a system he’s working on, and made many claims that sounded fantastic, if a bit too good to be true.
I thought he must either be either a genius with a revolutionary system in the works, or he’s a bit bonkers. I’m now pretty sure he’s a genius, and we’ll find out soon how well the network delivers!
I heard about MaidSafe VIA Google Alerts. I have alerts setup for Bitcoin and one of them contained info about Maidsafe. I watched read all I could and instantly knew “GAME CHANGER”!
I heard about it on a broadcast of Ernie Hancock’s Freedoms Phoenix.
A few years ago, I was (again) thinking about how cool it would be to make a decentralized, encrypted storage thingy. It would’ve tried to keep ownership of data more explicit, so that devices could’ve preferred their owner’s stuff over other stuff, which other stuff they would’ve cached based on their own DHT address XOR data hash. Quite like MaidSAFE, right? I wish MaidSAFE could handle scenarios where a small group needs to have access to a locally cached repository of their data while having little or no internet access, e.g. doing research or handling a crisis situation in a remote location.
Anyway, I ran into Lifestuff while I was researching my idea It was so exiting, almost exactly what I was thinking about! (Except, backed with the necessary expertise and resources haha.) I even exchanged a few emails with David; I proposed using forward error correction instead of simple duplication, because it’s much more robust. But of course it’s also impossible to automatically correct without knowing all the other parts! Oops.
I heard about it before IPO sale. I was kinda interested into it, and would willing to invest with bitcoins. Found out it was being sold via mastercoin. I was like, SCAM!
Year later…
I started working on rust just for fun. I started researching ethereum/IPFS back in march, and begin to formulate the old version of bitlaw on ethereum/IPFS. I somehow thought of maidsafe again back in June, and decided to read the white paper. Got interested into it. Couple weeks later, I read the blog, it went rust. I was like, screw everything else. I’m putting all my energy into safe, rust, and bitlaw.
Especially after the Snowden report, but also pre-Snowden, I trawled the Internet for information about alternative private secure networks, webservers, meshnets, social networks, email services and messaging softwares, but I couldn´t find anything that seemed to be able to make a change. Then someone mentioned Maidsafe in a comment to an article (I don´t remember the subject). I looked it up and it immediately caught my attention. This stuff was potentially groundbreaking!
The Internet is broken, and someone has to fix it!