Earlier today, there was a comment on the Telegram safenetwork group by someone saying that HitBTC had told them that MAID withdrawals were being halted ‘due to a hard fork’.
Obviously this didn’t make any sense so I’ve been in touch directly with HitBTC - they’ve just confirmed that this was erroneous information shared by mistake.
tl;dr HitBTC confirmed they aren’t stopping MAID withdrawals - it was a mistake by one of their team in discussion to say so. Just wanted to share with everyone
How do you “accidentally” tell people a fork is going to happen? In general, avoid HitBTC to the best of one’s ability. The first & last time I ever used them cost me a few grand in real cost and the loss of a stash of coins that you can’t get from Bittrex or Poloniex. I’m so glad getting listed to additional exchanges is part of this year’s marketing plan.
@dugcampbell, respectively this is a misleading statement.
Should be no issue with that situation.
Many have reported trouble in this forum with their dealings with HitBTC, whether to deliberate scamming or just getting things wrong or overworked staff making mistakes/slow
The insane withdrawal rate is probably the reason for this I guess. I would’nt wanna pay the exact same rate for MAID as on Polo either, if I have to pay hundreds of MAID to get them off of HitBTC.
Too bad that a low price on HitBTC probably means that the price on Polo and Bittrex will not really move upwards as well.
There still appears to be an issue with withdrawing MAID from HitBTC. I’m not sure if they have got round to resolving the issue yet or if something else has happened in order for them to freeze withdrawals.
Is there anything you can do to help out? It doesn’t really reflect well on the project when the biggest exchange by volume does this sort of thing for no explicable reason.
I had the same hard fork message a month ago. Also had problems withdrawing. But the coins finally arrived after a week or so. Maybe it has to do with the related BTC transaction? Because there are a lot of unconfirmed transactions and the fees are high.
Not as yet I’m afraid. The technical maintenance message is still showing and I’ve re-chased my contact at HitBTC. Will let you know as soon as I have a response