Have a Safe Xmas and here's to 2021

The path to achievement is not a straight line, they say, and how right they are. In a truly bizarre year like 2020 pursuing this path has been more like clinging onto a length of wool which has been knitted into a sock, purchased by a high-stakes gambler, passed through a digestive tract and out the other side.

As the black swan spreads its wings and flies off into the mists, it’s time to look back to see just how far this twisted path has taken us.

The thing about chance is that it can swing either way. When the pandemic hit, @dirvine’s earlier decision to close offices and revert to a core team working from home turns out to have been a blessing in disguise. While others struggled to adapt, for MaidSafe it was business as usual.

And as usual that business meant building on what works and being brave enough to kill the odd sacred cow on the way. Out went Parsec, a great theory that would have required too much extra work in practice, and in came a new radically decentralised design based on CRDTs and AT2, which has the potential to extend the benefits of the Safe Network to the offline world. Out went vaults and in came nodes as part of a new lexicon designed to be easily understood by non-technical users.

While the engineers @bochaco, @oetyng, @ravinderjangra, @lionel, @joshuef, @qi_ma, @adam, @yogesh and @danda were refactoring away like crazy with @stephenc running the work through all the tests and @sharontannahill holding the fort, the creative mind of @jimcollinson was dreaming up a stream of UI ideas to make Safe the Apple of the decentralised world.

Creativity isn’t limited to the core team of course. When it’s time to launch the community will be ready with all the fireworks we can lay our hands on. Luckily, we can count on some fantastic marketing minds to help us, not to mention all the expertise on the tech side, and kind donations from members to support these efforts. The list is long, but you know who you are.

Another major source of inspiration and ideas is this forum. Thanks to all for the fascinating debates, flashes of genius and continued good humour – it’s really been a pleasure (most of the time).

It’s been a weird old year but we’ve ended it on the cusp of a working testnet and with the coin riding high. Under the circumstances, you can’t say fairer than that.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and onwards to 2021!

The Mods


Couldn’t have put it better myself. Merry Christmas everyone and well done maidsafe team :raised_hands:t2:


And thank you Mods for the time and energy you put into the forum and community. This forum is an essential resource and it is great that it is run by and for the community. Decentralisation rocks.

Have a great Christmas you @moderators! :christmas_tree:


I second that for sure. It’s a pleasure to find a safe haven on this internet.


Many thanks to everyone! And Merry Christmas to all!


I would like to thank the whole Maidsafe crew and the community for the big effort to pave the road for privacy, security and freedom!

This project is a big and needed thing for everybody on the planet.

I keep following this project from the background, haven’t got any technical back ground but do see the big picture of where this has to go!

David, get it of the ground!

Merry Xmas to all.


Merry Xmas all …

Stay safe and well and enjoy a well deserved break.



Happy Xmas everyone and a great new year!




Thanks to the moderators for all of the hard work you do maintaining this forum. :racehorse:

Merry Christmas to everyone. 2021 will be a fantastic year for the Maidsafe community. :racehorse:

:secretariat415: :love::thankyou:


fn(holiday memes)


Coders … notice I put braces at both ends.

Thanks for all of your hard work this 2020 Maidsafe team. We all know it’s been a difficult year for everyone, but especially those who have to keep focused on really complicated tasks/problems.

So please have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Great New Year – You guys deserve it!!!


Ba humbug everyone!!!

Have a happy holidays or at the least a happy festivus! Cheers everyone and big thanks to @mods, the community, and most importantly, @maidsafe.



Happy holidays everyone! It was a hell of a year!


Have happy and safe holidays fellows! Distant physically but close with our hearts


Merry Christmas all.

It’s been a pleasure discussing different topics all year with you all.

Thanks to maidsafe for their continued work as well as the community members that contribute massively.

Here’s to a great end to a strange year and fingers crossed for major leaps forward towards beta.


Merry Christmas!!! Wishing everyone a wonderful and prosperous 2021!!:christmas_tree: