What is the granularity of Safecoin charge? Is it proportional to the amount of data changed in a chunk? For example, if 100KB is appended to a 1800KB file, is the user charged 100/1024 KB (data added to the 2nd chunk) expressed in Safecoins?
Is the cost (in term of Safecoin charges) of rewrite/modify calculated the same way?
And finally (well, I actually have more but I probably shouldn’t ask more than 3 weird questions per post) is client-side caching going to be possible and what mechanism(s) will be available for that?
I’m having trouble understanding what you’re trying to find out. Not sure what you mean by granularity of charge or cost of rewrite, caching, etc.
As I understand it at this point, the plan is for the charge in safecoin by the network at the user level will be on the total quantity of stored data by that user, rather than Gets or Puts, etc.
So I’m not sure if you are looking at an assumption which is incorrect, or if I’m missing some context.
The devs are sure to understand, but I’ll explain again in case other participants know the answer:
I know there are multiple components for work paid to SAFEnet farmers. I’m asking about the storage component.
Let us assume 1000 KB of unique data stored over a given period of time is 1000 Safecoins for disk space alone (I don’t want to use 1024 KB = 1MB and I am ignoring that there are multiple copies as well as other (network, etc.) charges).
I save 1800 KB. I should pay 1800 Safecoins.
Is it correct to say that I’d pay 1800 Safecoins for disk space required to store my file? Or 2000 (for 2 whole chunks)?
I append 100 KB to my file. How much should I pay for that (for data storage; not counting other charges)?
Okay, so we know that there are various costs (network transmission, CPU, power required to make all that happen) that contribute to overall charges. It’s all useful work and it should be paid for.
If I constantly change my data (but file/object size does not grow) and I think disk I/O should not be ignored.
I am also interested to know if I would be charged for 1MB in (chunk) capacity for the first 1 byte file/object I store on SAFEnet.
I view it as all the farm nodes are contributing those resources in exchange for the opportunity to earn safecoin. If you are issuing puts and gets, you are directly giving them those opportunities. So their resources are paid for, in fairly direct proportion to use. If I store data on the network for safe keeping and don’t access it much, I’m not consuming their bandwidth, etc., but I’m not maximizing their gets, thus not earning them much. I think it balances out in the broad strokes.
I think the current plan is to allow anyone to create an account and store data free up to a minimal cap, and then raise the cap by purchase with safecoin. The price to purchase the additional cap will be calculated by an algorithm based upon supply and demand factors. Details have not been finalized, I’m sure, but David Irvine has assured us that the network has the capability to track and price storage to keep the network balanced. (We hashed this out rather thoroughly in the thread “Price discovery for purchase of network resources”. So I don’t think the initial storage is a problem.