Going to be centralized supply emitting here? I think it should be rather decentralized, maybe I can imagine centralized only for dev but not for normal node rewards
No, it won’t be a centralised supply for node rewards.
It’s entirely decentralised and autonomous.
So nothing in this network overall will not be centralized, ok? Thx
That’s crossing points. Node rewards and the longer term emissions are not the same thing. Node rewards, as Jim said are automated. Longer term emissions are an ongoing discussion. Just to clear up your point
I thought more coin supply in network could be raised only via farming? Could u please explain more, thanks
I think the details haven’t been worked out yet. But in the OG whitepaper 70% of total tokens were to be emitted over a period of time somehow. There are many threads discussing this, but AFAIK, it’s not yet determined (or at least publicly stated) the method for this. There may also be a (small?) possibility that it’s not even implemented.
do u have some dead line when this will be decised? Its quite important things for me, and my idea is this should be in official whitepaper, if network really will run in october.
And it should maybe even be decided and implemented before the official launch. To my knowledge all the coins should be distributed at the launch to all creditors according to their holding, so you get 7 or something SNT per maid proxy token, wasn’t that the latest state?
That idea was only a discussion. Was never said to be what will happen.
By the look of it, 30% minted at genesis it seems clear it is not currently on the table.
We will know what’s up there very soon.