We are busy folks right now @nicklambert doing some pretty big things in the background. Education is a huge deal I suspect we will see a lot more of this as we move on.
Wow - impressive news! It will add yet more legitimacy to the project, while simultaneously creating some interesting apps!
Love the strong relationship between maidsafe and education. I was very proud to be able to donate to the maidsafe fablab awhile back, I hope work with that continues and I could make it an annual thing that donation address should be somewhere on maidsafe.net. These things should be highly visible. Great work @nicklambert
Great news! Keep up the good work. Hope we can welcome some students on our forum as well .
They have 170 students on their 2nd year course alone so should certainly get the dev forum busy.
I hope so to and then get the foundation (which I have no authority over) funded much better to really get the engine in motion. We need education/developers to create stuff make money and feed it all back in to create an eco system where we have small companies and projects feeding from education, then funding education etc. A neat circle of innovation. The grander plan for the foundation is to expand worldwide to really allow folks to create what they can and hopefully even pay people who never end up with products, but do contribute knowledge, even failed experiments, but openly so.
So open failure and promote success where many more share from the experiences, but importantly allow the kids to dream and make stuff as well as ask questions and tell us the answers I do dream but the costs are tiny in comparison with what we all waste, This way though we mix profits with value and of course cash as well, but distributed to allow a freedom of experimentation and push the crazy ones forward instead of treading on them and pushing them down or teaching them so much they lose their instinctive creativity.
We can hope
Sounds like a great move. Good luck!
Really excellent news! Great job guys.
So glad to hear this after just graduating this summer from The University of Glasgow in Computing Science. I have personally met and had Dr Inah Omoronyia as supervisor on a year long team project. Great person to work with and I am glad to find out he is interested in the Safe Network. Last year, The University of Glasgow had a look at a blockchain project developed on Ethereum so it’s great to see them continue to explore this crypto space.
Although I didn’t have the chance to visit the offices in Troon to meet the people behind MaidSafe, I was always glad to know people so close to Glasgow, Scotland are working on the future of the Internet.
At the time of this post I am at The University of Southampton studying a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence. I was proud to find out that this Univesity is home to Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web and hope to have a chance to meet him one day.
I am always glad to hear about on-going research happening across the United Kingdom. Just wanted to share my context and perspective with you guys. I am confident that we are on the right path together.
It sountds like you had a similar experience with formal education to mine!
University of Glasgow students to use MaidSafe decentralized data network to build apps
The University of Glasgow will be working with MaidSafe team, a start-up developing a fully decentralized and secure approach to the Internet…
see also…
What’s going on with the Glasgow students at the moment? Any updates? Are they waiting for more work on the APIs or are they already stuck in to a few different projects and ideas?
Coincidentally we were speaking to Professor Inah Omoronyia who came in for a chat on Friday to discuss next steps. There are a number of things we are looking at that include more work with students, and also potentially working with their faculty and researchers on producing papers that will provide an independent and academic led assessment of some of the features of the network. Once we figure out the best way forward we’ll provide updates via the blog/forum.
Excellent, looking forward to that one! I have a feeling something good could come from it. Young creative minds who are keen and open are just what the network needs on the App side of things imo. Harmen has already come up with a corker for his PhD (I think it’s part of his PhD isn’t it?), I’d love to see more young folks mulling over how to use this exciting new infrastructure as they drift off each night. Who knows what kind of genius inspiration might strike. I reckon there are plenty of amazing ideas still to be discovered that perfectly suit the USPs of SAFE.
Hope you had a nice break Nick; much needed and deserved!
Thanks @Jabba, Not sure about @Seneca, I was under the impression that he was taking a break from his studies to work on Decorum, but very possible that I’m mistaken.
MaidSafe working with Universities and further education is a great fit for what we are trying to achieve. We do still have a tension between prioritising network development above all else, and satisfying the time requirements that Uni’s and students will understandably require, but hopefully with a growing team these things will become a little easier to manage.
I would not want it any other way
But when the time comes when there’s a little capacity I’ll be watching keenly to see what they come up with.
I’ll be letting my son know as Glasgow is top of his list to study.