For absolute beginners or anyone who just wants to get a sense of what JavaScript is.
JavaScript is mentioned a lot on the forum because it is the language of a SAFE Web App (which also uses with HTML and CSS). Most of the example desktop apps are also written in it, so this is fundamental to understanding how most apps are and probably will be built for SAFE Network.
This is a very simple get started article, which should be a good starting point. Don’t be afraid to have a go and ask ‘dumb’ questions here. There are no dumb questions, only the questions you need to ask in order to get help, and I and others will be happy to answer them and guide you through to your first simple JavaScript app.
The article below even includes how to download and install an editor, which you will need to create (write) your JavaScript program. They use Atom editor (which I recommend having recently switched to it myself ) but you can of course use the editor of your choice - so long as it can save files as plain text. But programming editors like Atom are the best as they know about the code and can even show you errors before you try to run your program.