Quoting asdf via SAFE Network Forum (2019-02-25 18:26:50)
I don’t have technical computer skills. You mentioned those that can
compile code and write deb-format software packages… I would like to
learn to do this. A few years ago I attempted to learn to code in
Rust but found that there wasn’t much for someone looking to begin
without previous coding experience. I’m a little less busy these
days, and I’d like to revisit. I am wondering if maybe I should
approach learning to code in some other language with more resources
for beginners, and then attempt to learn Rust.
Do you have any insight you would be willing to share? If learning a
different language first, do you have a suggestion of which one it
should be given my interest in Rust & SAFE Network?
There a many ways you can help, requiring varying skills.
You can help create code in close collaboration with the SAFE
community, and/or you can help package code in close collaboration
with the Debian community.
Since I am most involved with Debian, and also Debian is an older
project with more well-established documentation and a richer more
varied developer community, I suggest that you take a look at Debian
information first, even if you will end up working closely with SAFE.
A good entry point for Debian is Debian -- How to join Debian
As you can see from above page, the main thing we do in Debian is
“packaging” - which is related to coding and it helps to have some
coding skills, but you can get far with only high-level scripting
knowledge (bash, perl, make), and you can help with tasks requiring zero
coding skills as well (translation, documentation, testing, etc.).
NB! The term “packaging” is commonly misunderstood: The task always
begins with making a package around a code project, but really the
task is about maintaining packages. One way to start is to try
package something new from scratch, but a better approach is likely to
join a team and tag along, helping out looking after existing packages
to get the hang of what to pay attention to and which tools exist and
are preferred over other ones, and only then try package something new
from scratch.
SAFE code is mostly written in Rust for system-facing backend services
and libraries, and in Node.js for user-facing frontend applications and
their libraries.
Information about corresponding Debian packaging teams are at
Teams/RustPackaging - Debian Wiki and
Javascript - Debian Wiki
Where to begin? What excites you the most to imagine will likely be the
things you will be most happy to invest enough time in to reach a point
where it pays back and you gain enough understanding and familiarity
that you can make a difference - and then you are (holefully) hooked 
I realize that there are plenty of people who have the necessary
Never enough: There is always room for more contributions!