Hi, welcome. Sorry for the hot welcome, I am sure these comments are not meant to be so brutal. This is a pleasant community , but there were some bad actors in the past as I am sure you have come across as well. I am delighted to see folk aligning to get the network out far and wide. It will take many more people and companies to get engaged.
The network is open source and for everybody, short, tall, closed, open, corporate, individuals and more. It cannot by design block anyone and by design it cannot police anyone. Anything close to that would be the death of the network and rightly so.
So forgive any perceived ill feelings or people telling you how to run your business. That is your decision and I am glad it involves autonomi, I hope you find the journey satisfying and easy. We need as much feedback as possibly in these early days and I appreciate any.
If you need anything I hope you will find help here, the folks are amazing and helpful.
It’s hard as hell to be public and under microscopic scrutiny at times, but I find it refreshing as sometimes we can all forget some detail that is actually important, even if it’s delivered in a very direct and accusatorial fashion. I still think the pain is worth it and it seems you do too. Hats off to anyone building these days, we need products in the decentralised world and we need them badly. So a well written nice GUI/UX is so much a necessity. Hats off to you for taking a plunge and well done for choosing a platform wisely.
What we have here is a truly decentralised network, i.e. no centralised data sources, no centralised networking components etc. We are aiming for the sky here and I hope yo find that valuable, especially in your security areas of business.
So no policing and no lecturing, tear away and love every minute of it!!
If your open source then all the better, I love that. But we all use proprietary stuff as well. It’s a marathon to freedom, not a sprint.