Forum Stats (updated regulary)

Screenshots taken on May 10th 2016

This graph starts on January 2016. Spot the Testnets.

Here are the user visit from January 1st 2016.

User visits since the beginning. We peaked over 300 a day some weeks ago.


Some screenshots taken on July 12th 2016

How do they find us??

1 Like

Update 8th October 2016:

Dashboard overview

Most popular topics

API requests

User visits since 1th of january 2016

User visits since beginning (april 2014)

Mobile visits

Update 21th of March 2017:

Most popular topics

API requests

User visits over last 12 months

User visits since beginning (april 2014)


Update November 10th 2017.

New users signing up on the forum on a daily basis for 12 months:

Same but 24 months:

Forum members that log in per day:

Stats overview: