Forum Site on Private SAFEnet while I wait?


I need to set up another non-profit site with a members’ forum and I was wondering whether it would be possible to start with a private SAFEnet of 6 VMs, get the forum working and then transition it to the real SAFEnet once it goes live - the 6 VMs could stay as a part of the real, live SAFEnet or not.

Doing this could allow me to get the forum going quickly but it would also be an interesting technical exercise for me.

Viable? Silly?



You could do it. That’s essentially what Alpha 2 network is


OK, good - I will start having a closer look at setting this up . .


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I think you’d be using this for your forum:

Ah! Excellent - I am partial to Discourse from a user point of view but it is a bit of pain to install - I will certainly have a look at SSF . .

Thanks again!

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I’m glad you find an interest in this experiment ! Be prepared for a rough ride though, it is pretty much unstable and full of bugs. Work is taking me full time so I can’t work on the forum these days.
I am not sure if I would take it much further anyways. I think a best route would be to implement something based on Solid / Safe , right from the start.

This being said, as long as you don’t put characters other than letters in the topic titles, and you bear with a chaotic like / reply system, you should be able to have a basic forum usage.

The code is wide open, if someone is interested in it, I’d be glad to point them to the right github attic.

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What kind of database does discourse support? Do you plan on porting the storage layer to use SAFE?

Thanks for the info - I would probably not take on the development of SSF but would be happy to support the development. I will have a look at Solid . .

PostgreSQL usually - which is fine with me.

I guess that is the main question - although Discourse is a nice, well-matured forum, it might make sense to use something much simpler that is designed specifically for SAFE from the beginning . .