Version cli: 0.17
Node version: 0.25.18
Server: Manjaro-ARM
Modifications: Nodes running on LAN ipv4.
node run-baby-fleming
auth restart
auth create --test-coins
INFO 2021-01-05T08:29:51.302873039+01:00 [/home/folaht/.cargo/registry/src/] Connected to elder:
INFO 2021-01-05T08:29:51.302886465+01:00 [/home/folaht/.cargo/registry/src/] drive; id=2
WARN 2021-01-05T08:29:51.303014074+01:00 [/home/folaht/.cargo/registry/src/] Connected to only 2 elders.
INFO 2021-01-05T08:29:51.303135590+01:00 [/home/folaht/.cargo/registry/src/] Listening for incoming connections started
INFO 2021-01-05T08:29:51.304780972+01:00 [/home/folaht/.cargo/registry/src/] drive; id=2
ERROR 2021-01-05T08:29:51.304772601+01:00 [sn_authd/requests/] Error occurred when trying to create a Safe: [Error] ClientError - Unexpected: Could not connect to sufficient elders.
ERROR 2021-01-05T08:29:51.304874637+01:00 [sn_authd/requests/] Error when processing incoming 'create' request with id 2981648741: [Error] ClientError - Unexpected: Could not connect to sufficient elders.