@Seneca can you create a simulation model to show how this works?
I ran some numbers and it didn’t turn out the way I expected.
Initialized Starting Point
S = 0.3
I = 1,288,490,189
TA = 1,288,490,189 * (0.3 - 0.1) = 257,698,038
Am I correct in saying, the Network is trying to absorb 20% of the total SC in circulation from the start? Therefore, it will keep increasing PUT costs until it absorbs 257 million SC.
As we approach the SC cap of 2^32, the percentage increases to 90%, which means PUT costs increase until it absorbs 3,865,470,566.
I don’t think this will work. In fact, I think it will hinder the Network. Here’s why…
Early Demand
I think it’s likely only 10% of SC from the 430 million crowd sale will be used in the beginning. That means 43 million SC spent on PUTS. According to your formulas, the Network it is “already” looking to collect 257 million SC from the start. Let me know if this is not right.
SC Usage Limitation
If the Network ends up trying to absorb 90% of SC after cap. That means a higher percentage of SC earnings (farming, APP, PtP, etc) will be required to use the Network. It also means SC has less freedom to be used for other things, beyond Network PUTS.
Fiat Market Reaction
If the Network keeps increasing PUT prices, the market will likely drive down the fiat value of SC. Why? Because it costs more SC to buy less storage. The counter argument is that farmers will keep adding storage, therefore pushing the fiat value back up. We like to think fiat value doesn’t matter to the Network. But it does matter to consumers and farmers.
I have great respect for what you’re trying to do and really hope it works. Please don’t take this as a negative. I’m just adding a my point of view based on my experience. I’d love to be proven wrong because it means success for my investment and the project.