Discussion on making the SAFE Ambassador topic more visible

Might be worth highlighting this post because for some reason I missed it, and I read pretty much everything at the moment. It doesn’t seem to have shown up at all.

Great idea BTW.

Congratulations @Dimitar. I think you deserve not just this but a badge above it as well, how about SAFE Terraformer!


Yeah, I never got a notification either… Meta category, perhaps?

I’m interested in this idea of SAFE Ambassador and I shall consider it a little more while spoling myself with a Ferrero Rocher.

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Yes, but you can add the Meta category as a watch category in your preferences.


If the community to engage with and be encouraged by this, it will need to be more visible, so not just in Meta. I think it’s a great idea :slight_smile:


Thanks for your feedback @happybeing :slight_smile:

We just moved the SAFE Ambassador topic to Community, changed its timestamp to today’s date to make it more visible and pinned it for 1 year at the top of the Community category.